I hope you missed this Sunday?s fare.
I assume you are referring to the shortened WT that we discussed on Monday nite this week; ugh what a dreadful guilt inducing pile of bad rhetoric. My head is still reeling from having to sit through it with the family without bursting out, first from laughter and then from seething anger at the shame that was being laid on.
Lowlights from the lesson for March29-April4:
VOMIT statement: PP 2: "Deception comes in many forms and has crept in nearly all aspects of modern-day life (apparently, lying is a new phenomenon; it is creeping in!!!) Media reports, blah blah blah................"Then there is religious deception" (!!). Snort! you mean like lying about sexual abuse policy?
The usual demonization of ordinary things is used to death here; Satan is misleading, unrelenting, bent on devouring: how??? APOSTATES OF COURSE. Not able to discuss any ISSUES directly, the ad hominem attack begins: what do apostates want? (to tell us how much we have been lied to?) NO; they want to make followers of the poor tricked witnesses. They even compare apostates to kidnappers!!
Apostates "'often'" (weasel word) resort to distortions, half-truths and outright falsehoods"; (apparently the WT is cheesed that their methods might have been copied!) Counselors call this projection......
Dunderheaded comment of the day: one brother said that when he was studying, he had been warned about "opposers"; he received some literature from a relative about the WT, saw that it was NOT WT material, and threw it away. Another sister said that one pamphlet she read twisted scriptures, took them out of context and actually (gasp) got the cited WT pages incorrect. (she WAS reading WT material, apparently).
Finally, PP 10 lays it on for us: "Second, we love the organization that has taught us (lied to us repeatedly, let the Malawi brothers be killed, children be raped, sisters df'd for not screaming, df'd questioners) the precious truths that so plainly separate us from Babylon the Great. At the same time, we recognize that our knowledge (read: our goofy, ever changing doctrine) of God's purpose (you know, the God who uses us as his channel?) is not perfect; (really?) our understanding has undergone adjustments over the years. (cough) Loyal Christians are content to wait on Jehovah for all such refinements. (Pro 4:18) Meanwhile, we will not abandon the organization that God is pleased to (let bumble, stumble, lie, cheat, mismanage, lord over, lie, lie lie) use, for we see the clear evidence of his blessing upon it. Acts 6:7, 1 Cor 3:6.
PP 11 completely abandons the "Satan is doing this to us" approach, flips back to laying guilt and confusion on us: it is our "treacherous heart" that is to blame; just can't trust it!! Yes, brothers and sisters: train your heart, train your conscience (our way) but NEVER trust your heart or your conscience. (Do you still wonder why there is so much psychosis in the org?) "If our heart gets enticed, it may, in effect, (?) wave sin enticingly before us, making it appear attractive and harmless." DON'T EVER TRUST YOUR SELF! And that heart! Waggling the naughty bits right in our face! Ooooh wicked wicked heart!!
The final nail in the coffin of this toxic article: PP 19. It discusses recognizing and rejecting the lie that Satan tells, that God does not love us. OK, not terrible as is. But it quotes this sister: "I never realized that Satan tries to use my feelings to discourage me. Knowing this gives me the motivation to fight these feelings." YIKES!! Satan himself will use MY feelings against me? Is Satan in my head?? Are my feelings not to be trusted? Hehe; rhetorical question; the WT emphatically tells us to never ever trust our feelings; they will tell us what is OK to feel or not feel.
How can any sane person read this and be unaffected? This is such crap, psychologically speaking. I AM responsible for my feelings; Satan has nothing to do with my feelings; he cannot manipulate my feelings! If I am having problem with feelings, healthy behavior is to listen to them, evaluate them and understand where they came from; my own insecurity, fear, anger, etc...How would an emotionally troubled person respond to this article? It makes me sick, and sad, to think about that.
All in all, I wish I had missed this one too. It made the book study material seem almost nutritious by comparison.
I can't wait for this article to be sliced up by our resident surgeon, the incomparable DR BLONDIE.