I was wondering if anyone could tell me how a Jehovah's Witness service goes. What is different from a run of the mill Methodist or Baptist service? Are there things that are specific to a JW service? I would appreciate any help anyone can give me as soon as you can! Thanks!
JW Service
by skeason 57 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Opening song
boring hour talk
then either Watchtower study and reading on Sundays or Theocrappic miinisty school on one night.
final song
other night of the week is meeting at someone's home for more JW book study
What exactly - ( and this will make me sound like an idiot I am sure) - what do you study when you study the Watchtower? What is in the Watchtower - is it a book?
Go to a meeting and edxperience it yourself. They don't pass the money basket.
Or even - what do you discuss in the talk hour? Is it like a Methodist's bible study? I am very very curious and am considering going to see a service but - I would like a rudimentary understanding before I go.
Parents with loud children are looked down upon... yet the WTS is proud of the fact that there is no day-care for children. Parent who keep loud children at home are also looked down upon for not attending the meetings and for not allowing their children benifit from the "spiritual food" provided by the talks.
Parents who bring their kids to the back of the room and beat them into silence are commended and seen as a model to follow.
I don't mind about the "monkey basket" but I am not religious at all and do not have even a good understanding of Christianity or the Bible's basics. I would hate to walk in and then after the service walk out with the wrong feeling b/c I didn't understand something.
there is no discussion...just some gut who really needs to go to Toast Masters and get a clue.
During the Watchtower reading there is discussion, but it is more like repeating canned phrases into the microphone.
District Overbeer
Well I have no children that would put me in that 'double standardy situation' so I guess I am lucky there
Or even - what do you discuss in the talk hour? Is it like a Methodist's bible study? I am very very curious and am considering going to see a service but - I would like a rudimentary understanding before I go.
The first 3 to 5 minutes is a brief discussion of the person, usually reading the obituary that was in the paper. Very little personal information is discussed. Then begins a sermon about why people die. How God plans to right the wrong through the ransom sacrifice of Jesus. How a small group will live in heaven with Jesus but that the vast majoirty will be resurrected to live forever on earth. What they don't tell you is that they feel God will soon destroy everyone who isn't a JW. Scriptures will be read from the Watchtower's New World Translation of the Bible. Songs may be sung; many times photocopies will be handed out for the opening and closing song. Members of the family will not be allowed to say a prayer unless they are the one giving the talk (men only) or say a word. Nowadays the whole process takes 45 minutes. If any family member is disfellowshipped or has disassociated themselves, no good JW will talk to them or acknowledge them. Many times there will be food and association at another location afterwards, which is usually announced. It is very impersonal and boring. Many times the man giving the talk had very little personal contact with the deceased. Blondie