Are services on Sundays?
JW Service
by skeason 57 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
our meetings were Sunday, Then Tuesday night then thursday night book study...then service on Saturday....rinse and repeat..
District Overbeer
Each was a different type of service or just a continuation - or just a rehash? Is there a specific day that would be better for me to observe thatn another?
I say don't go at all! Give the Unitarians a whirl is you simply must go to church.
District Overbeer
sorry, read the whole question, Blondie.
The best thing to do is either go for only 1 hour.
start 9:30 or 10 (usually)
Public Talk (45 minutes plus song/prayer time)
or come for the Watchtower study (snore............)
or go to the book study at the KH (advantages, smaller group, no songs, only opening/closing prayer)
My advice don't go.
Why do you reccomend that? Why do you find them better? I am open to suggestions. I have no desire to necessarily conform or turn my heart over to God - I just want to observe - perhaps learn and understand.
Also - as I am reading through these posts- I keep seeing apostate - what is an apostate? Obviously I am a strange 26 year old religion virgin who has easy questions.
Sunday: Public Talk: 45 minutes, read from an outline. The JW frowns on their own members developing their own talks.
WT Study: About an hour, reading an article from the WT. Qestion and answer. They say they want your own words, but just drop one of Blondie's bombs during a meeting (like I did) and see what happens. They perfers answers out of the magazine.
(Usually) Tuesday: Book Study: from a WTS publication that will in a few years be superseded by New Light.
(usually) Thursday: Ministry School: fromerly, a chance for everyone to develop their own understanding of the scriptures and for the sisters to compose a short five minute play. Now, just read from the bible without comment.
Service Meeting: tips on how to convert other non-witnesses and also the time where annoucments as to congregational standing are read (Sister Bowlegs is disfellowshipped, Brother Brownnose is a Ministerial Servant, etc.)
-Singing, but no choirs or musicians
-No Sunday School for the tykes. (They sit through what the parents do...and are urged to be quiet)
-Guilt Trips abound
-So does gossip
-Conventions and Assemblies are Day/2 Day/3 Day long affairs that last from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. in hockey arenas, without the hockey or the food or the beer or the cameraderie
Apostate is a euphemisim for a former JW who left on bad terms (or, rather, ANY terms). We're evil, vile folk who seek to undermine the WTS.
Everyone keeps mentioning things along the lines of guilt trips and them making you feel bad - how is this accomplished - are you supposed to feel guilty for sin? For not recruiting?