Response from my elders about UN

by Sumflower 34 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • imallgrowedup


    I had a similar conversation with my JW mom last week. I warned her about the library card defense, and also laid out the hoops NGO's needed to jump through then and now in order to be classified as such. I made darn sure she knew what they were doing. Now I am glad I did. Thanks for sharing this. It is disturbing to see that they are perpetuating their own lies with more lies. But then, I guess I shouldn't be surprised.

    BTW, welcome to the board.


  • sandy

    Welcome to the board. This is very interesting, I mean even if their excuse for library card is true I would still question their actions.

    Why would they want anything to do with the thing they consider "the disgusting thing of the earth"?

    I think someone on another thread compared it to jws using the YMCA for their gym.

    The dubs have ridiculed the UN so much, its like asking Satan himself to hand you a glass of water.

    Using their own reasoning one might say they "sold their soul to the devil".

  • Sumflower

    Anyone know where I can get scans of the W & A they apparently used to promote UN ideals? Just curious :)

    I don't really feel like pursuing it with joe elder... but I have thought about sending all the information to a few dear friends.


  • garybuss

    Summer, I think you will find much of what you seek on this site,

  • Jim_TX


    "He told me at the meeting that night that he called again and got in touch with someone who knew something. He said that in 1991 they were asked to fill out a form for library access, that it wasn't stating that they were joining or anything. So they signed it. Then in 2001 somebody new took over the department at the UN and "decided" that everyone on that "list" were "now NGO's" And that as soon as the brothers recieved notification they disassociated themselves. "

    So... let me see if I understand this. You are presenting him with documents... that back up your claims... and he is giving you... "I talked to someone who knows someone who said..." type of responses.

    I would ask HIM to give YOU documents from the WTBTS signed by someone in their legal department - that back up HIS claims.

    (Once you have such documents - it then makes it easier to form a legal claim against them.)

    That ought to slow him down a bit. Of course - they are so lemming-like - he doesn't even care.


    Jim TX

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