The questioning may be annoying,
I don't find the questions annoying. It's just hard to find an answer that will satisfy my children. My son sees right through a lot of the bible stories. He realized at age seven that no one knows if Jesus was real because no one alive has ever seen him. He knows that no one really knows what happens at death because no one alive has ever been dead. So, annoying is the wrong word. He's smart and needs a real answer. He doesn't necessarily think mom and dad have all the answers because 1. we have never personally seen Jesus and 2. we have never died.
My kids know that daddy says a prayer every night at dinner but mom doesn't. If dad isn't home for dinner, they get to just dig in. My son asked me why and I told him I just don't feel the need to do that right now. If daddy wants to pray, then we will but if he is gone then you are on your own.
The questions are encouraging to me. They show me my kids are thinking about these things and already starting the process of critical thinking (LT) at an early age. I never would have questioned any of the things my son does. We read the story of the garden of eden and he basically dismissed it as age 6. I know he will never sit still and let someone feed him bs like the WTS does.
My daughter will never sit still...period. She won't let anyone tell her anything at the ripe old age of five. She questions every single thing we say. She will always ask "Is it true?" or she'll ask another source to see if we really know what we are talking about.