4 year old pushes religion on my kid...

by flower 46 Replies latest social family

  • Princess
    Seriously though, if this is how fast kids grow up I really gotta get my sh!t together here.

    I agree.

    Fortunately my son seems oblivious to the kids growing up around him. I volunteer for a couple hours in his class and I can see the looks some of the other boys give each other when Rhys is talking. He just isn't "cool" and doesn't get "it". I don't care at this point. He is light years ahead of them intellectually and is very interested in learning. They like him and have no desire to mess with him because he has proven he won't be a punching bag. One boy made the mistake of pushing Rhys one day and he just turned around and punched him. Got sent to the office and they sent a white slip home. I went to the VP and told him we won't back up his punishment because if Rhys is defending himself he is doing what he has been taught. If Rhys hits first that is one thing, if the other kid hits first...he is screwed and we won't do a thing about it. That VP was so mad he still won't talk to me. He told me he was going to call my husband, I told him...good luck with that. He never did. It worked though, no one messes with him because they know Rhys will not take it.

  • English Patient
    English Patient

    Im sorry to hear that, flower.

  • flower

    English patient, Welcome to the board. This is much more fun than the memorial eh? ;)

    Princess, good for Rhys!

  • English Patient
    English Patient


    Thats not saying much flower

  • Abaddon


    I can sympathize with being worn out by the questions...but have little sympathy for the subject area in which you complain.

    You are such a bleeding-heart liberal Yeru...


    Your avatar is a halfling Fighter from Baldur's Gate II; I bet you my Ranger is harder...

  • Sumflower

    I think it is OK to say "some people believe X, some believe X.... I don't know which is right" Allowing them to accept that they don't have to have "THE" right answer... and that what people believe are "theories" for lack of a better word... will give them the power to use their own discernment and mind to calculate and draw their own conclusions. I don't think you have to give them "the right" answer... you know what I mean?

    My motto is to be honest, and give a lot of information- while it may be annoying to have other beliefs pushed on your child, it is a great exercise of tolerance for them.

  • flower

    lol Abaddon..I havent played the game yet to be honest, just stumbled on the avatar and loved the power in her face. I wish I had time to play an addicting game like that!

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