Blog in honour of my Stepmom

by jgnat 69 Replies latest jw friends

  • Sassy

    sorry to hear about your stepmom JG..

    I never called my dad's second wife mom either. She got alzheimers and died a number of years ago.. I loved her though .. and still think about her regularly missing her.. (wish I liked dad's next wife as much)

  • jgnat

    I am grieving tonight, can't stop crying. My wonderful, strong, capable, practical Myrna, my stepmom and all mom to me, has malignant cancer that can't be operated on.

    If you are able, send your best prayers and best wishes her way.

  • kls

    Jgnat I am so sorry. She has my wishes and you also to help you get through this. Oh i am really so sorry

  • jgnat

    Oh, KLS, you sweetie. I shoulda known you would be quick on the draw. Thank you for your thoughts and your sympathy.

    It is hell when the "rocks" around us start to tremble, isn't it. Well, that is what Myrna is to me. A rock. A wonderful, strong, stablizing force in my life.

  • Will Power
    Will Power

    Jgnat - I am so sorry my friend. I'm sorry I didn't see this back in April.

    My 2 best buds were both diagnosed 2 weeks of each other last April as well. The 3 of us had dinner together tonight - I was the one without a wig. We can all only be there for the ones we love however & whenever they need us. A hug, a smile, a warm blanket. a shoulder, a cup of tea.

    You have my thoughts and prayers, anything else - let me know


  • concerned mama
    concerned mama

    Oh, Jgnat, I know how much Myrna means to you. I'm so sad for all of you.


  • jgnat

    Will Power, you great lady. Thank you for the thoughts. The breast cancer was easy. Myrna-my-mom came through with stellar attitude and a fighting spirit. This new cancer, though, is scary. It?s not a spot, it?s everywhere. She is so worried about her two adult kids, who suddenly lost their dad to cancer this spring. Her children will be left with no parents at all.

    Jgnat - I am so sorry my friend. I'm sorry I didn't see this back in April.


    , everybody, sacrificed her daughter?s bedtime kiss to call me and comfort me. Thank you, CM, for giving me the warmth of your voice and wisdom on a lonely night.
  • Big Tex
    Big Tex


    I am so sorry. News like is is so terrible. There's nothing that can be done?

    Words fail me.


  • Country_Woman

    (((J gnat))) I am so sorry for you.

    I think you are right with all those messages, as well for your Stepmom as for yourself.

    You are creating memories.

  • jgnat

    Big-Tex-of-the-Big-Heart, your wordless support speaks volumes. I think I will get that HOPE book for Myrna I suggested on Onacruse?s thread on the dignity of death.


    , thank you. I am past diarising now. But I thought of something new I could do for my mom.

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