I'm studying with Jehovah's Witnesses!!

by Kulotti79 55 Replies latest jw friends

  • Blackfalcon98
    Please stop studying with these folks! Most of the members here would give their left nut to go back and simply say: "No Thanks."
  • smiddy

    Seriously Kulotti79  you either have very low self esteem or you need counselling from a professional . mental doctor . from what you have posted.

    I would suggest you get some needed help.No offence intended , seriously


  • nicolaou

    Kulotti, rebel8 was not being nasty. Hers was one of the most honest, thoughtful and well intentioned comments posted to you. 

    Stop being an arse and listen to what these good people who've seen and lived it all are telling you. 

    Except for Perry, never listen to Perry.

  • KateWild
    I would never suppress me being gay for an courupt American religious sect.- Kulotti

    That is really good to hear at least you realise what will be expected of you. If you know the fellowship is fake why even bother with them. Personally I know a lot of very caring JWs, but it is really all about the hours and counting time.

    Glad you are proud of being gay.

    Kate xx

  • Kulotti79

    smiddy: Please keep your worthless opinion and advice on this to yourself. Thank you!

    Everyone else: Thanks again for all the good advice! I know what I need to do now.

  • FayeDunaway

    I know a lot of very good people who are witnesses, and I'm sure your witnesses are like these people. please do not consider what we have said to be against these specific people. It is the organization policies as a whole we are mostly talking about, and every witness will follow those policies because they are not allowed not to follow them. 

    Im glad you know what to do now, and I'm glad these people were there for you when you needed it and you being who you are im sure you will be nice to them when you tell them what you need to tell them, and hopefully all the karma will be good :). Take care kulotti, and have a very good life being true to yourself.

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