Here's the gist of the conversation so far:
Mervin Shill: What did Russell teach was going to happen in 1914 that proved accurate?
Mervin Shill: You didn't answer my question. Let's try a little different tack: Name something specific that Russell said was going to happen with NVKPEADYREAYDUH in 1914. Was he accurate?
Anti-scholar: Are you stupid? I answered your question. NVKPEADYREAYDUH in 1914 was eagerly awaited by many expositors in the nineteenth century and even some of the clergy of Christendom in England agreed that NVKPEADYREAYDUH occurred.
Mervin Shill: My question asked you to name something specific and accurate that Russell taught about NVKPEADYREAYDUH prior to 1914. You replied, "NVKPEADYREAYDUH." Let's try a third time: Prior to 1914, what did Russell teach about "NVKPEADYREAYDUH" that was accurate? What?
We await further enlightenment from our resident Anti-scholar.
A parallel conversation:
Cruisin for Bruisin: You consider the opinions of a few expositors to be accurate and definitive proof of NVKPEADYREAYDUH in 1914?
Anti-scholar: Hey come on! I simply responded to a question from Mervin Shill and, as is my modus operandi, I did not present my reply as definitive proof. It is simply fact that in the nineteenth century many sincere Bible have long recognized the significance of NVKPEADYREAYDUH and some applied chronology to determine its significance and it was determined by some that it would expire in 1914 which saw the Great War. Now it is up to all individuals themselves to accept or reject but I cannot change the developments of Church history. Russell and his associates took up the challenge and correctly discerned the significance of NVKPEADYREAYDUH. If you are a a non believer or an athiest then such matters are of no consequence and frankly whether you choose to believe or disbelieve is immaterial to me.and I cannot be bothered in trying to convince you otherwise.
Since Anti-scholar is quite unable to explain exactly what NVKPEADYREAYDUH is, or to say anything significant about it, or tell us anything specific and accurate that Russell taught about NVKPEADYREAYDUH, it's obvious that his responses are pure Gobble-de-Goop. You can't get gold out of Gobble-de-Goop. And you can't get truth out of the Watchtower organization about its history of spewing Gobble-de-Goop.