"Jehovah will fix it"

by onacruse 41 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • BluesBrother

    Haven't we all said this, and hoped for the best , heaved a sigh and got stuck in to a bit more ministry.

    All too often the r & f are fobbed off with that excuse, to avoid facing up to a problem . And then there is a guilt trip because to do anything else is perceived to be a lack of faith in Jehovah

    Another phrase used to me when I was outside of the body of elders at one cong. "We must be Moses-like in waiting on Jehovah. Moses waited in the wilderness 40 years before God saw fit to use him"

  • gumby
    Moses waited in the wilderness 40 years before God saw fit to use him"

    Thats right.....he waits 40 years, then he's told because he screwed up once by making a fountain out of a molehill, that Jehovah wasn't going to let him even step into the promised land and have a peek at what he waited 40 years for! Jehovahs just to damn hard to please!


  • little witch
    little witch


    "Jehovah will fix it" and "wait on Jehovah" = accept the status quo and remain ineffectual.

    Yes that is aggrevating! It is stupid! Because if Jehovah does exist, then he endowed us with emotions and rational minds. He would certainly expect us to use our gifts for the good of our fellow man.

    "Jehovah will fix it" also means "don't concern yourself with anything not addressed in the watchtower". Simply a brainwashing technique devised to keep everyone focused on one thing that can only be supplied by one corporation.

    I am glad it triggers you and pisses you off. You are too smart and kind for them!

  • crinklestein

    I remember hearing this all the time too and people stopped saying it around me when I would reply with, "Well, if you say that God allows bad things to happen to prove Satan wrong then why do you think he'll step in to fix YOUR problems? That would be proving Satan right, wouldn't it?"

    Satan claimed that Job was obedient to God because of the protection and prosperity He gave him. "Of course he follows you. Look at everything you give him!" Take it away and see if he remains faithful. Funny how JW's don't apply it to themselvse. I love the book of Job. It makes you realize that regardless of who you are, God allows bad things to happen to you and that you must endure through it, if for nothing else than to be humbled. But JW's like to think they have a wall of protection around them. I don't think so!

  • gumby


  • got my forty homey?
    got my forty homey?

    Or how about when things have gone terribly wrong and have corrected themselves then the gratitude goes to Jehovah. My Father tries to sell this one to me when I tell him that I think I was robbed out of an education and real career, and his answer is " Jehovah made sure you got a good job!"

    Its like the winning football team in the Superbowl always thanking God for the win.

    How about the losing team, do they blame Satan and the demons?

  • gods vigilante
    gods vigilante

    I hated that phrase so badly when I was a witness. I always thought, if we had to wait on something that might take 5 years to fix, then what about the next thing after that? And then the next thing after that? If it takes God so long to fix just one thing, when will he ever catch up?

  • cyber-sista

    Was just thinking about this subject today....Coming out of my JW daze these past months the confusion in my brain is starting to clear up and sort out some of the entangled thoughts in there.

    I was in a congo with elders that didn't know what the heck they were doing, but yet we were told that we should obey them no matter what because they were the elders and they had God's spirit upon them. But then when they did something wrong, which was much of the time others would say they were just imperfect men and we just had to wait on Jehovah to fix things with the elders. I waited for quite a while, but Jehovah never stopped by at the KH as far as I could tell.

  • SixofNine

    patience Craig! God is not one to be mocked, you dispicable fool!

    Six~ ga-henna tattoo class

  • Pistoff
    While new ones coming in, who completely disregarded what the Society said, lived their own lives and did well for themselves, have the big houses and the luxury cars and the college educations and the lucrative jobs.

    This is SO true. I always had this resentment; people would come into the congregation after going to college, and kick the crap out of our lifestyle. Doctors, lawyers, etc. Why in the world could they get the truth after getting a college education, but for me to go (I had the grades and scholarships like so many here) would be worldly, selfish, dangerous and unspiritual.

    What a crock of sh**.

    Bite me, NY.


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