"Jehovah will fix it"

by onacruse 41 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    Q.: Where in hell in Jehovah?

    A.: Here he is - he was distracted from your concerns by a part-time job he had for a while, but circumstances have enabled him to once again give his full attention to the affairs of earthly man.

  • AlanF

    It's obvious that appeals to imaginary beings to fix things are just another form of thumb sucking.


  • happy man
    happy man

    I was waiting on Jehova fore over 40 years, that he must do something about what i now about some elders, no nothing happend, so i told it even if the price was to high, was I the bigg hero, quess two times .

    So when some say to mee we must wait on Jehova, i new that it is the same as doing nothing, at least this was my expiriens.

  • Sassy

    There were a million times we were told wait on Jehovah.. I remember times when major things were wrong in congregations and we were told, in time Jehovah will fix it.. I remember things happening with a certain elder (my father in law) that was soooo wrong.. From gossip to slander.. to abusing his grandchildren (my kids and my nieces and nephews).. he locked them in closets.. and in the basement.. put my youngest in the trunk of his car and drove down the highway... what happened when we turned him in??? nothing.. he remained an elder till the day he died. What did people say to me when I was upset nothing happened?? Wait on Jehovah.. maybe Jehovah has a plan and he is just waiting for him to really hang himself..

    I mean really.. HOW much MORE could he have done? nope.... I was told to wait on Jehovah

  • OHappyDay

    This sad and strange thing I am seeing:

    Many of those who waited on Jehovah to fix things and obediently did everything the Society said are now facing their later years scrimping by in near poverty...

    While new ones coming in, who completely disregarded what the Society said, lived their own lives and did well for themselves, have the big houses and the luxury cars and the college educations and the lucrative jobs.

    Old brother faithful sees that the new Witness is sucked up to, respected, and lionized, because he has something. Something he got by doing for himself and paying the Society's predictions no attention at all.

    Old brother faithful also sees that he has little or nothing, even though he did everything the Society demanded, and is disregarded in the congregation.

    Moral: He who waits on "Jehovah" -- the Society -- ends up with nothing.

    He who uses common sense and gets what he wants, ends up with everything. He can even become a Witness on his own terms, if and when he wants to.

  • minimus

    No hope whatsoever, huh, Alan??

  • Nosferatu

    I put so much faith in Jehovah fixing things for me. However, when something was broke, it got worse in time. If I would have said "to hell with Jehovah", there probably wouldn't have been as much damage. I fixed things myself, but there's still evidence that the problem didn't get taken care of immediately.

  • GermanXJW

    OHappyDay, I know a JW that did exactly that: he had a good job, built two houses and drove a Mercedes and never pioneered.

    BTW, he was an Elder, District Convention Overseer and was always invited to the Society's Annual Meeting.

    I guess he waits on Jehovah, too.

  • gumby
    Where in hell is Jehovah?

    Craig....I'm only intrested in you correcting this typo. You need a "the" in there,.....ya dumb bastard!

    Now....putting all seriousness aside......It's intresting how ALLOWANCE is made for Jehovahs people isn't it? Gods people can be corrected by him..........but Christendom never gets the same break when they fail.........they only get exposed as being Babylon the Great BECAUSE they error.

    I guess when they say "Jehovah will correct it", they feel Jehovah has no problem in allowing this problem to exist until he has the time to fix it. If a suspected pedophile is allowed to exist until Jehovah fixes him......then it's at the expense of his next victim. I guess Jehovah has a good reason to WAIT till he fixes things. I don't fix things because I'm lazy.......not sure what Jehovahs reason is.


  • Big Tex
    Big Tex
    Answer: "Pray to Jehovah, and he'll make it better."

    I heard the same thing from elders back in the day. But I pointed out to them, one thing the Society never addressed, was what exactly did Joe Israelite do while he was 'waiting on Jehovah'? There were numerous 'bad' kings, so if he was a faithful how did he follow the Law? The temple would have been turned into Baal (or some other god) worship, sometimes involving child sacrifice. It would have been dangerous for him to travel to Jerusalem.

    So while he was patietnly 'waiting on Jehovah', how did he live his day to day life? There were several times when someone could have lived their entire life under the rule of a 'bad' king. So did he follow Jehovah's spirited anointed organization, go to Jerusalem, and put his family in danger, knowing it was pointless? Or did he stay in his little village, and live his life to the best of his ability? Did he follow the letter of the Law, or the spirit? Did he use his the brain God gave him?

    None of the elders I asked 15 years ago had an answer to this question. I'd rather live my life in my little village than be a mindless robot.

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