"Jehovah will fix it"
Yeah right!!!!!!!!!!!
Me.........I'm praying to Mr. Goodwrench!!!!!!
by onacruse 41 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
"Jehovah will fix it"
Yeah right!!!!!!!!!!!
Me.........I'm praying to Mr. Goodwrench!!!!!!
: Notice how much it has to do with nebulous isues? "That elder is an unChristian jerk." Answer: "Yes, he is, but Jehovah will see to it that he gets removed." "That doctrine is wrong." Answer: "Yes, it is, but Jehovah will see to it that it's corrected." "The WTS was hypocritical about the UN, by becoming an NGO." Answer: "Yes, and Jehovah will see that they pay for it."
: How about the hard-nuts-of-real-life stuff: "I was abused by my elder-father, and am having lots of emotional issues." Answer: "Pray to Jehovah, and he'll make it better." "Gosh, I held out for Armageddon, and so I have no retirement account, and Social Security won't even pay my rent, much less my prescriptions." Answer: "Jehovah will deposit $100,000 at the foot of your bed tonight."
Forgive me for not reading this entire thread, but your comments begged this question for me, "Why does "Jehovah" have to step in and "fix" shit after it goes to shit? Why didn't Jehovah just step in before it turned into shit in the first place? Just how stupid is this Jehovah when any decent mortal human knows that prevention is far easier than the cure?"
People far to often turn to a fire-fighter GOD to solve their problems without considering that that same fire-fighter GOD could have the stopped the fire before it began. Had he wanted to.
This leads me to the conclusion that GOD likes the glory of solving problems when they become big problems, but isn't interested in stopping problems before they become BIG problems. No glory in that for his egomaniacal worshipfulness. He can cure people of cancer and stuff, but can't help some dumb schmuck figure out his 1040 IRS tax form.
Hint: if you want BibleGod(tm) to help you out, get a HUGE, MAJOR problem. Then get a preacher who is known to sing and yell a lot and who needs a lot of MONEY. If you have a minor problem or a preacher who doesn't sing and yell a lot, and doesn't need a lot of money, you are toast. God just isn't interested in that stuff.
This is all Bible-Based(tm).
hehe Mac, good to see ya ,,,,,,,,Mac , Mac A Roni!!!!!!!!!!!
The only JW I know well personally goes to all the meetings, goes out "in service", owns his own home, advises all young JWs who will listen to get as much education as they can and to buy, rather than rent, their homes. He's also working himself to death (okay, I'm being melodramatic) to "build up his reserves." I don't know how he reconciles it all, but I guess I don't need to. I think he figured out early on that he didn't like living on the hairy edge of poverty and, while he's willing to work very hard and is exceedingly conscientious, he recognizes that no one will look after his interests but him. I think there must have been some crisis at some point, but he's waiting on Jehovah to fix the organization (although he'll never criticize it) and trying to walk the path he thinks Jehovah has planned for him. Drives me crazy because of all the inconsistencies, but it seems to work for him, so hey . . . .
hehe Mac, good to see ya ,,,,,,,,Mac , Mac A Roni!!!!!!!!!!!
Hey there, Lyin'.......how's thangs in bayou country?? (Hmmmmmm.....Ever wonder if spaghetti is what's left over when they push those centers out of the macaroni????????) mac, waste not want not class
If I hear the phrase "leave it in Jehovah's hands" one more time I'm gonna buy duct tape and wrap about 50 yards of it around that person's mouth.
Cathy L.
I agree with the frustration. Probably what bothered me most, though, was the way so many JW's were quick to clamp on to anything that occurred "in the world" as proof that this wicked system is so corrupt that it's just further proof that Jehovah will come down Soon, to get rid of all the evil and save the JWs.
Double whammy. Not only does the "Jehovah will take care of it" refrain breed inaction, but you're must surround yourself with constant negativity to constantly confirm that Armageddon will come soon.
That's a formula for mental illness, if I ever heard it.
It would be appropriate for the WTS could be held liable for its advice and teachings. If they are filthy rich while their followers are unable to retire (this is my JW neighbor's dilemma! She cannot retire! She has NO family or children, and the elders have left her hanging in the wind) then their "Mother" should take them back in. They should share their brand new digs.
I pine for justice here.
Your prayer was only the start of it,
One baptism and now you're a part of it,
Now you've done it, Jehovah's fixed for it you, and you and you.
There must be something that you always want to do,
The one thing that you always wanted to,
Now you've done it, Jehovah's fixed it for you, and you and you and you
My life's experience:
No 'one' fixes anything for anyone. You have to fix it yourself. Life is in your own hands, you make it what you want. No one can do that or fix that for you.