i didn't catch it. i wonder if there is a rerun that will air again?
Family Sercrets VIDEO HERE
by zev 76 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse
Yes I saw that program & was thinking of you..It sounded as if it wasnt her Father at one point- then it sounded like it was??? It was some one in the family, I missed the opening comments -Did she say who????
Does that law exist here in Canada ??? that a family member is let off by probation???It seems it is that way in the States!!!
I asked before Your Dad wrote a book?
Big Tex
It was fascinating..She was brilliant. She said people treat victims of family sexual abuse different *(read: less seriously) then when a stranger abuses a child
It's true. On top of which family dynamics are completely different in an incestous family. It's almost like you are 'marked' by just coming from that family.
Blondie, thanks for the support! Going nuts preparing for New York!
Mouthy and Big Tex, she didn't say who abused her but I guessed it was an uncle or a cousin of her parents. It definitely was not her father. What was not surprising is that family members still hang out with the jerk..that's what happened to us..I have pictures of my father partying with his relatives - ones who said they cared so much about us. What a load of crap. The truth is it was worse 'cause it was a family member. People poo pooed it from day one.
That's a toughie to get over, let me tell ya. People talking to me about doing coffee with my rapist...They just don't get it. One of the reasons I wrote the book. I got sick of explaining everything, anything. Now I'm free for life..I just go, READ THE BOOK!
And Mouthy, Daniel wrote a booklet-that's what I quote from in my book-it was just 36 pages or so, self-published malarcky! Most of it was scriptures from his born-again crap!
Back to Alison, lord is that woman wonderful! This is what I want- victims to be proud of who they are...they have wonderful qualities that have been enhanced by their surviving horrific experiences.
We need to change the way victims are viewed. It's the fricken molesters who have to explain themselves. Unfortunately few make them!
This just in :
Family Secrets won a Gold Medal for documentary series at World fest Houston Festival Yea!!!!
just in case some people missed this link I'm bumping it myself...but also, wanted to tell you that some great stuff is in the works...(to not jinx it) all I can say is that my story might be seen by a lot more people!
Donald, great news on the award. I'm not surprised. Is there a movie in the offing? Who will play you?
Let's put it this way, Blondie. Me young: Toby McGuire, how he looked in the before part of Spiderman...before he worked out...pale, invisable. I think me older: Kevin Spacey would be excellent!
We can dream can't we!
Thanks for the encouragement about New York. It would be great to see you but there will be other times!
Well, within hours I'm off to New York. The group for A Night to Heal 2004 has put me up at the University Club, where Hilary Clinton stays...can't wear jeans, must wear a jacket at all times...holy, that is so not me! Almost reminds me of my Witness days.
Wish me luck. I'm not going to mention the Clintons in my speech, but I am going to mention Howard Dean..Leave it to a Canadian boy to stir things up! LOL
Just had a friend visit me from your JW days. Her name is Laurie( Wont mention the last name.)
Her question to you is ???? Do you believe in God after all this ((((HUG)))
Good Luck !!!!! Let us all know how the trip went___ The best is yet to come!!!