Good stuff thanks guys!
by zev 76 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse
Good stuff thanks guys!
a shameless bump to the top.
please keep this post to the top over the weekend.
i am working on higher quality editions, but i will need someone who can host a few hundred meg file for viewing these types.
if you can host such files, please email me at [email protected] and we can work out the details.
you can download the video by RIGHT clicking HERE and then choose to "save link as" or "save target" as:
change the file name to save to : familysecrets. wmv also:
and: i also have a high quality version ready, its 175 mb in size, looking for a host who can handle the bandwidth.bttp
THank you.
a shameless bump to the top.
please keep this post to the top over the weekend.
i am working on higher quality editions, but i will need someone who can host a few hundred meg file for viewing these types.
if you can host such files, please email me at [email protected] and we can work out the details.
you can download the video by RIGHT clicking HERE and then choose to "save link as" or "save target" as:
change the file name to save to : familysecrets. wmv also:
and: i also have a high quality version ready, its 175 mb in size, looking for a host who can handle the bandwidth.BTTT
I just watched it, zev. Thank you and Donald D'Haene and his family for being willing to put their lives in the public sector. I'm glad to see that they are healing and happy.
Thanks, Zev! (and to Gwen, too!)