JWs get used as an "agency" at Resources Fair for inmates in Iowa

by Gopher 62 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Kenneson

    P.S. I should have concluded the sentence "and that is more important than physical food and physical needs." Moreover, in regards to orphanages, see James 1:27.

  • a friend in need
    a friend in need


    Not only myself, but most of the witnesses I know, on a regular basis donate to charities. It is mostly done in secret as I feel it should be. Same as at the hall, no one knows what anyone else gives.

    This is the first time I've ever heard mention that witnesses criticize SA or anybody else for helping the poor. When this subject began, I asked Gopher why he only mentioned the Jehovah's Witnesses in the article where 20 or so other groups were mentioned. That was no criticizism of the SA.

    Your last three sentences are contradictory to me. You'll have to spell it out better. You say spiritual food IS more important and then say witnesses shouldn't live in glass homes. I DON"T criticize SA for helping the poor (feeding) but foremost, they are a religion so religion should come first.

    a f i n

  • a friend in need
    a friend in need


    Now you read James 1:26 please. "If any man seems to himself to be a formal worshiper ---" This means the man is a follower of Jesus and must obey the law of Jesus. The orphans and widows are in the mans congregation, not the general public. There is nothing wrong with helping the general public also, but the primary care is for fellow worshipers.

    a f i n

  • Faraon

    Friend in need,

    Who said I was riled about the man personally? More than likely he is back in the Borg. There is no way I can talk to him, so I don?t get riled about him. I am upset at the Publishing Company for creating that kind of mentality. I would not care if he was Catholic and spent every cent he had on Lego Blocks. I know that even foolishly as he was, at least it would?ve been his own decision, and not one programmed for him that was hammered five meetings every week in his mind. And as far as I know there is freedom of speech anywhere in America. By now you have seen above that WT nurses are told to spy on others. The nurse had an anecdote about an unidentified jw. I am surprised that you don?t want nurses to know about jws when it comes to follow wt will about blood, do you?

    Do you want to talk about Hitler, and how the WT said they would back him up because the US and England were the arms of the devil? Do you really want to talk about totalitarian governments? See under governing body.

    I wouldn?t call it ?slant on teen suicides? when they are made to choose death. By the way, I also hold the governments responsible. They don?t even allow a 20 year old to drink alcoholic beverages in the US, but they say a teenager can decide about his own life or death. Talk about hypocrisy.

    You may consider those of the anointed as your brothers, but that is not WT policy. Unless you are anointed, you may not consider Jesus your brother. According to them the bible was written only for the annointed. You are otherwise a second class Christian.

    So from your perspective, she only limits her powers to the gathering? Wouldn?t it put a handicap on her? Was she sleeping through almost two millennia? Remember, if you know your bible that if you sin against her, you?ll be damned. Even sins against Jesus or the Father will be forgiven, but not against her.

    Sorry. That may be the case in the OT, but in the NT his name is NOT jehovah. The father is simply God.

    I read Mark 10 : 22 - 30. It still does not answer my question, and neither did you, about why it doesn?t mention any of the commandments dealing with the worship of the mythical god of the OT.

    Like I said, there are many excellent JWs. I don?t doubt that you help many in need. My complaint is that the WT as organization does not help the poor. Yet it is tax exempt. It only takes money from society. It does not give back.

    The WT has made many people poor for decades by ?counseling? them not to go to college up until the 1990s, and even to take only part-time jobs. Many people sold their homes in the early 70?s or postponed surgery because ?the end of this system of things? was months away.


  • a friend in need
    a friend in need


    Before we go any further here, would you mind telling me exactly what religious beliefs you follow? It's difficult to converse with someone who doesn't believe in the basic tenets of the bible.

    You really lost me when you said the WT said they would back Hitler. That's about as far out as it gets.

    a f i n

  • Faraon


    Letting an elder know if a fellow Christian is about to do something against bible principals is a BIT different than broadcasting a patients business in a public newspaper.

    Either action violates medical ethics and are offenses for which a medical staffer could be fired.

    That is true. However in this case, the nurse did not divulge any information about a particular patient. She just said a story about someone who was not named, and from the information given, he could not have been identified. There was no confidentiality broken.

    However, Jehovah's Witnesses are compelled to divulge such identifying information about a patient, student, or someone under their care. THAT is clearly against the law. That person should not only be fired but sued in a court of law together with the firm that hired him or her knowing that they are under orders to divulge private information to the WT.


  • a friend in need
    a friend in need


    Actually, I'm not at all surprised by your last post to me. Pretty strong language there!

    I checked into your history a bit and took note of your power trip over your ex as regards the memorial night. Wow! You are quite the task-master!

    a f i n

  • Faraon

    a friend in need,

    Before we go any further here, would you mind telling me exactly what religious beliefs you follow? It's difficult to converse with someone who doesn't believe in the basic tenets of the bible.


    You really lost me when you said the WT said they would back Hitler. That's about as far out as it gets.


    This extensive statement by the WBTS was promulgated during a convention in Berlin. Since the Nazis had initially aligned the JWs with the Jews, considering them the vanguards of Zionist-Bolshevik plot to conquer the world, the writers of the resolution went to great lengths to distance themselves from their alleged co-conspirators.[18] Moreover, during the previous months, many German provinces had banned the organization. Members expected some form of protest was highly appropriate. The next fragments still give rise to numerous disputes as regards the movement?s stance towards Judaism during the 1930s. Preceded by the charge that the Jews persecuted Jesus Christ and still reject him, the statement included the following:

    ?The greatest and most oppressive empire on earth is the Anglo-American empire. By that is meant the British Empire, of which the United States of America forms a part. It has been the commercial Jews of the British-American Empire that have built up and carried on Big Business as a means of exploiting and oppressing the peoples of many nations. This fact particularly applies to the cities of London and New York, the stronghold of Big Business. This fact is so manifest in America that there is a proverb concerning the city of New York which says: The Jews own it, the Irish Catholics rule it, and the Americans pay the bills.?[19]

    The text went on to assert that the WBTS and the Nazis both reject these ?Big Business oppressors? and it stressed their common aversion for the then League of Nations ?that laid upon the shoulders of the German people the great unjust and unbearable burdens.? In the accompanying letter, addressed to Hitler personally, the movement not only made clear that ? . . . in the United States . . . commercialistic Jews? were among ?the most eager persecutors of our Society?s work? [during the First World War], but in addition:

    ?[T]he purely religious and apolitical goals and objectives of the Bible Students [the previous name of the JWs] . . . are in complete harmony with the similar goals of the National Government of the German Reich.?

    ?The Bible Student-Watch Tower organization stands for the maintenance of order and the security of the state as well as for the enhancement of the . . . religiously related high ideals of the National Government.?[20]

    Many JWs at that time had the opinion that the petition renounced the Nazi regime only too weakly and refused to support it.[21] The movement?s historiography does not indicate if the Judaic references were additional factors that underlay these objections. Initially, the organization attributed the toothless content of the resolution to the German translation produced by the branch manager in Magdeburg. Reportedly, he had diluted the original text written by Rutherford, the then president of the WBTS, so as to avoid problems with the regime. The WBTS retracted this assertion in 1998 .[22]

    [18] Detlef Garbe, '?Sendboten des Jüdischen Bolschewismus.? Antisemitismus als Motiv national-sozialistischer Verfolgung der Zeugen Jehovas', Tel Aviver Jahrbuch für deutsche Geschichte 23(1994) p. 45-171

    [19] Watchtower Bible and Tract Society, 1934 Year Book of Jehovah?s Witnesses (WBTS 1933, p.134).

    [20] Quoted from "The Hitler Letter", 3 The Christian Quest 3(1990) p. 79,80 which includes the original German text and an English translation. This journal, edited and published by disgruntled former JWs, has ceased to exist.

    [21] Conversely, Konrad Franke, then German branch manager, noted in The Watchtower (Mar. 15, 1963, p.181), that the declaration was adopted ?unanimously.? Awake! (July 8, 1998) is vague about the amount of support for the resolution by stating, ?The delegates adopted [the Declaration].?

    [22] Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society, 1974 Year Book of Jehovah?s Witnesses (WBTS 1973, p.111); Awake! ( July 8, 1998, p.14).

    Also see http://docbob1.home.comcast.net/comments.htm


    Edited for formatting and also letter to Hitler http://docbob1.home.comcast.net/hitlerltr.htm

  • Faraon


    Actually, I'm not at all surprised by your last post to me. Pretty strong language there!

    I checked into your history a bit and took note of your power trip over your ex as regards the memorial night. Wow! You are quite the task-master!


    Explain yourself better, please.


  • a friend in need
    a friend in need


    I'm still trying to digest all the info about the JWs and the Nazis. Sorry about my nasty comment. Just realized your strong language about firing and sueing a healthcare worker was directed at Gopher and not me.

    a f i n

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