Do you still preach?

by Theocrat 127 Replies latest jw friends

  • Valis

    I doubt anything I say would make you see JWs in any different light.

    No, not at all. After being one since I was brought into this world one would hope there was something I could say to change your view of JWs. Maybe it is you who needs to spend a bit more time reading what people have written here. The dissection of not only the personal life of JWs, but the very doctrine they espouse should be enough to make anyone think twice about standing up for them. Far from the ideal Christian community. The more I read of Christian movements in general the more I think Christians would sometimes be better off without said "Community" period.... I can't remember who said it, but it goes something like.."humans have done the worst evils in the name of good"...SO, keep on apologizing if you must or even refuse to comment on the JW lack of charitable Christian works. Nothing new under the sun..


    District Overbeer

  • itsallgoodnow

    Theocrat wrote:

    Acts 20:20 is showing that 1st century Christians went from house to house. But beyond that, they talked to everyone they came in contact with, with the goal of explaining the "good news of the Christ".

    Actually, no. Check this out.

    This is from Blondies - Comments You Will Not Hear at the 4-25-04 WT Study (3-15-04) thread which can be found under "Bible Research & Study Articles".

    Point 3

    In my research it appears that the Society uses the two scriptures found in Acts, chapter 5:42 and 20:20 to establish the teaching that we must do house to house work otherwise we are not good Christians.

    The Scripture says " While I [Paul] did not hold back from telling you any of the things that were profitable nor from teaching you publicly and from house to house." It is apparent that they are making the deduction that the house to house means from door to door, in other words going consecutively from one door to the next.

    A couple of things came up when examining the Greek interlinear about this subject for example in Acts 2:46 which says : And day after day they were in constant attendance at the temple with one accord, and they took their meals in private homes and partook of food with great rejoicing and sincerity of heart," then looking at Acts 5:42 it says "And every day in the temple and from house to house they continued without letup teaching and declaring the good news about the Christ, Jesus."

    What I found was that the identical phrase (kat?oikon) translates "from house to house" in the NWT rendered of Acts, chapter 5, verse, also occurs in the chapter two verse 46

    . In examining the Kingdom interlinier you can see the same phrase, with the same distributive sense of kata appears in both texts. Yet in Acts 2:46, the rendering is not from "house to house" but "in private homes"

    Then that same phrase is used again in Acts 20:20 and the NWT renders it again as "house to house"

    In examining other translations of the Bible it is evident that what was meant by this passage was that the instructions given here were not that they were to go from house to house but to go into private homes where they already knew the people and continue to teach them about Christ. What it seems to me is that the Society has tried to convey a meaning that is not actually there.

  • little witch
    little witch

    Very well FIN



  • Corvin

    I preach on a daily basis . . . about the dangers and pitfalls of religious cults. Thus far, I have [helped] deliver 6 souls from the clutches of the organization and helped to liberate them from enslavement to guilt and shame produced by the WTBTS.

    I evangelize, therefore, I am.


  • a friend in need
    a friend in need


    "Humans have done the worst evils in the name of good". I could be wrong but I think that refers to the world wars. If I am right then witnesses haven't been an active part in that quote, have they?

    I DO understand a lot of the animosity on this board. Some here have been dealt in a very bad way. As with a lot of things, we just have to move on. I've read quite extensively here but have yet come across anything to change my beliefs.

    a f i n

  • Valis
    I could be wrong but I think that refers to the world wars. If I am right then witnesses haven't been an active part in that quote, have they?

    *LOL* you mean by apologizing and cuddling up to the Nazis? mean by being conscientious objectors? My grandfather went to WW II as a conscientious objector JW..he drove an ambulance instead of shooting people. He came back to a rather self righteous atmosphere and left. Insensitive to say the least in the light of the fact he served the JW cause and made thier statement. I don't buy that! There are thousands of hippies who have similar feelings about war and violence in general...Thank dog for Canada!....ANYWAY, when there is pain and suffereing all round I'm not sure how you can say that merely by sticking to thier faith makes this a better world. Standing idly by espousing the Watchtower while real people need real help is a laughable defense.

    As well you can apply those words now to all kinds of stupid JW beliefs that have lead to the deaths of thier own members. In who's name again? Refute that and get back to me.


    District Overbeer

  • Double Edge
    Double Edge
    Little Witch:

    I don't know the extent of your problems. Seems obvious you should be getting some kind of care.

    To 'A Friend In Need':

    I was raised to believe in the phrase - "if you can't say something nice, then don't say it at all" ... SO..... Knock it off ... Little Witch as earned her strips here, you haven't.... MOVE ON and quite acting like a kid (unless you are one, then that explains it).

  • Room 215
    Room 215

    Even without considering that Jewish culture of the first century would severely censure any woman, either unaccompanied, or in the company of men other than her husband or father from making unannounced door-to-door visits, this thread hasn't even begun to consider how radically the JW's ``join us or die" chronology-based version of the ``Good News" with its literature-dependent ``ministry" diverges from Jesus' pure message of God's love, redemption and reconciliation of man to God.

  • a friend in need
    a friend in need

    Double Edge:

    You DO sound like you and LW would be friends.

    a f i n

  • little witch
    little witch

    FIN, I am sure that more than just DE and I see you as the poopy face that you are. LOL

    Back to more important matters, Theo! Have you read James? And what is your take on faith in action?

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