To the theists (Christian or otherwise)....

by logansrun 80 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • logansrun

    El Blanko,

    We are talking about God allowing evil, not causing it. You might allow your child to go through the pain of an operation, but it will serve a greater good. (Yes, yes I know that scripture is filled with a God that does some pretty evil things. I'm approaching the question from a purely philosophical point of view)

    Are you a theist?


  • itsallgoodnow

    He's allowing evil to permeate the earth until he decides to put an end to it once and for all. Then, he won't allow it ever again.

  • lurk
    I think Augustine's solution to theodicy is more logical. God allows evil to occur because this allows a greater good to be performed, for Augustine this would be the salvific death of Christ.

    logical..i may be being thick here so please explain if im not getting it but... how could god allow evil so that the greater good can happen ie: salavation via death of christ . the salvation /death only occurs because of evil exsisting...itsnt it circular argument to suppose evil exsist's for good to happen which will end evil (via salvation )?

    im not getting that at all

  • LittleToe

    If matter / anti-matter had to exist and separate in equal quantities, at the beginnning of the universe, why not good and evil (if we are keeping this strictly logical)?

  • rem

    Because matter and anti-matter have a physical existence. Good and evil are concepts invented by humans to describe what situations we find pleasant or unpleasant. Many times we agree on what we call "good" and "evil", and many times we don't. Matter and anti-matter don't change their properties because a human doesn't agree with it. That is, matter has a physical existence, whereas the concept of good only exists in individual human minds and it can be completely arbitrary.


  • Faraon


    He's allowing evil to permeate the earth until he decides to put an end to it once and for all. Then, he won't allow it ever again.

    I don't know about that. He repented that he created man because he was evil in his heart, then drowned to death all. Then, as soon as he was enticed with the sweet aroma of burning flesh, he repented because man was evil in his heart.

    Maybe we should learn from the men held in high steem in the bible (women don't count. They are property):

    From Noah we learn that we must kill all clean animals and get drunk naked. If someone laughs, we can curse, not the one that laughs, but one of his boys and descendants.

    From Lot we learn that it's ok to offer your daughters to be raped to save two beautiful boys from a town that is all homosexual including the women and newborns. They needed to get killed so Lot could have sex with his daughters and blame it on the hillbilly moonshine.

    From Abraham, we learn that it's ok to attempt to kill one of his own eight sons offering him to Jehovah. I think J liked this one because he was born after he visited Abe's tent, so he stopped the murder. We also learn good family morals, like it's Ok to marry your sister, and pimp her twice to rich men. Of course, it's also ok to send your firsborn into the desert if you are a whimp and your sister old lady gets upset with the maid.

    And so on...

    We can learn what is good from these people and follow their example.

    Actions speak louder than words.


  • logansrun

    Sounds almost like the Manichean herasy, Little Toe.

    What are your thoughts generally on the matter?

    lurk -- Good point. I guess it could be illustrated this way (not that I actually believe this, but what the hell....)

    If you actually have to work for something, isn't that more gratifying than having it just being given to you? An Olympic runner, though physically hurting almost to the point of fainting, still relishes the end-product his efforts bring. Similarly, it could be argued that the triumph over evil is a greater good than evil having never existed at all. Again, I don't necessarily believe that....


  • Sunnygal41

    Bradley, I have a comment that I posted on my astrology thread in response to Sunspot about a related issue.........check it out! I think it negates the need for a belief in a personal "God" having to allow "evil".


  • logansrun


    I'm not saying I believe in a God of any sort. I just happen to find this type of thing rather interesting. Any theology at the very least must be logical. Maybe not proveable, but at least logical.

    If there is no God at all then the question of "why" there is evil is moot. It just *is* ; no explanation is necessary. I don't see how astrology has anything to do with the subject at hand, then.

    Bradley (I hope you don't hate me)

  • Sunnygal41

    Bradley, I do not hate you at all! But, silly, my comment to Sunspot wasn't astrological. It was a SIDE issue that came up. Did you even check it out before you answered me? And, hon, I didn't mean to imply that you are a believer, I was just answering your question.


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