I need some help...

by Country Girl 45 Replies latest jw friends

  • Valis

    What in the sam hell are you talking about woman? I am sorry you're having a hard time dear, but we care for you and don't want you leaving. Terrible news about your brother. Please take care of yourself and don't go away.


    District Overbeer

  • talesin

    {{{{{{Country Girl}}}}}}

    How much more do you have to take? You've had a rough go lately, woman.

    You are welcome here. Don't be discouraged by the few responses, that's just the way it goes. There is always a 'popular' crowd in every group, it does not mean the rest of us hold no value to the group. I care about you a great deal, your strength and convictions have meant a lot to me, as I already told you on another thread.



  • nilfun

    I am so sorry...I hope I've never inadvertently done anything to make you feel unwelcome...like Valis said, please don't go away.


  • Sassy

    why are you leaving Country Girl? do you mean from the site? or the home you are living in? I'm so confused..

    We do care..

  • Ex Dub MS
    Ex Dub MS


    I'm so sorry to hear that. I lost a great uncle while booted from the Dubs. One relative called to tell me it happened, but never bothered to give me any details of the funeral. I still have no idea how what you're going through would feel. I'm so sorry.

    Aside to Sassy...AOL instant messenger will work thru a firewall. Well maybe not the full-blown version but AIM Express will just nicely. Give it a try.

  • Sassy

    I don't use my aol messenger any more..........don't know any one but JWs on it.. who don't talk to me any more...

    I've tried Yahoo messenger web version.........but they must block it out.... and I am not aware of a web based MSN messenger...

  • jgnat

    Country Girl, it sounds like you are heading for major depression. You are so deep in sadness, you can't see the love and concern coming from the board.

    Call your local help line, and get some help. Be around for your animals, and for us, please.

  • Sassy

    OK............I had to try it.. I made a new screen name SassyxJW.. someone add me so I can try it..

    Country Girl.. if you need to talk today.. and have AIM messenger add me..

  • cruzanheart

    Hon, you are certainly getting it from all sides lately! I don't blame you for being depressed, but don't fold up on yourself. We're here for you. Where is your brother? Is he in the vicinity?

    I thought I had your phone number but I don't. Please PM me with it and I'll call you tonight.

    Love & hugs,


  • bikerchic

    (((((((((Country Girl))))))))))

    I'm so sorry you are going through such a difficult time, I wish there was something I could do to help and I'm afraid mere words do not hold enough meaning.........but please understand I am one of many here who do care and are very concerned about you. Please don't leave, let us help, you have shown your strength to reach out to your friends for help. Tell us what we can do, please!


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