I need some help...

by Country Girl 45 Replies latest jw friends

  • Wild_Thing

    (((((((Country Girl)))))))

    Sometimes the "nut house" isn't such a bad place to be! I would find someone to take care of your animals and check in ... the vacation will do you good! At any rate, it is good to see you looking for help for your emotional health ... so many people neglect that.

    BTW ... I do not know you very well, but I would hardly say you have worn out your welcome! Stick around! I look forward to getting to know you better!

  • cyber-sista

    Country girl.

    I am so sorry you are so sad. Of course you are grieving--this is a big loss for you and you are only human. Keep reaching out to everyone. there are many who are loving and supportive in this world and will offer you comfort. Take the best care of yourself as you can. Lots of rest and short walks and eat well as you are under a lot of stress in this process. Get some help, a good psycologist that can help you with the grieving process. Take care of yourself the best you can.

    Lots of love, cybs

  • No Apologies
    No Apologies

    ((((COUNTRYGIRL)))) you know you have lots of people here who care...

  • doodle-v

    OMG, I just read this and I am so terribly sorry and I know you're feeling a lot of heartache right now.

    Please know that we are here and want to help.

    I just lost my brother recently. Again I am so sorry.


  • LeslieV

    I really am so sorry that you feel that you have no one that cares for you. I do believe that there are many people here that are concerned for you. Sometimes you just need to speak up in order for anyone to know how you are feeling. No one means to exclude you, and I am really sorry that you feel that way. Please let us have another chance. You are in my thoughts.


  • Junction-Guy

    Hi CG, I am so sorry to hear about what you are going through, If there is anything I can do for you please let me know. I can call you tomorrow or anytime, just let me know. You are a really nice person and fun to hang around with as I discovered in Nashville. Please dont quit the board as I have enjoyed reading your posts.I hope you will still be able to make it to Dallas as it wouldnt be the same without you. I will keep you in my prayer tonight.


  • Bulldog

    (((((((((((((((((((country girl))))))))))))))))))))00

    My heart goes out to you! I too have lost two brothers, the first one when I was 11 to a brain tumor ( he was 2 1/2 yrs old) and one when I was 24 to schizophrenia, he is the living dead, poor guy.

    Although you never are the same, and the sadness is so raw, ( I still get choked up to this day) the intensity and frequency of the sadness decreases. You learn to cope again, you learn to replace the sadness with memories of good times together, before this terrible tragedy happened.

    My little baby brother was a sturdy stocky little celtic redhead. He was cheerful, happy, and a terrible tease. He would always steal his older (but lighter weight) brothers security blanket and run giggling away as his brother screeeched in angry protest.

    My other brother was a bit timid, but loving, and very intelligent, and a true artist. Before the mental illness took full effect, he was a sweet gentle boy with a vivid imagination.

    When you are ready to, maybe you could tell me a bit about your brothers, and yourself, PM me anytime, and please dont hesitate to ask for help when you need to.

    My heart bleeds for your losses.

  • simplesally

    ((((((((((Country Girl))))))))))))))))))


    (((CountryGirl))) - my goodness!

    I seldom post, but goddamnit, I'm going to post here, because well...you've been a good on-line and pal to me, and many others.

    Sort of an adopted sister; I lost my one and only sister in March 1967. So, Athene, I figured you were up for the task, and therefor I adopted you unofficially. But I like doing everything: unofficial.

    Yes, I was aware your brother was not well. But now it seems things are not going well. Too bad he is so ingrained with the JW teachings, because you and I know, it 'could' have been different. Nonetheless, I know...you have loved him, unconditionally.

    It always seems like things are so destitute at times like this, but something within us, somewhere deep down inside, cries out for help. Nothing wrong with that. Your cries have been answered, or at least paid careful attention to.

    We're here.

    Or a phone call away. Or perhaps, maybe even just a short visit away.

    Wish I were nearer sis.

    Off to send you an e-mail. No wonder I haven't heard from you.

    For what it's worth, here's my post.

    And it stands.

    Yer Canuck Bro',

  • CountryGuy


    I'm so sorry to hear about your brother. Please let me know how I can help. (You have a PM.)


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