Yeah, Sally. It's even tougher than getting toothpaste back in the tube after a good squeeze. We've probably all said some crappy things though in the heat of the moment ... things that we later looked back upon & thought "Ya know, I really should not have said that. That was wrong."
I do try to consider the source before I get offended at what anyone says to me. Several months ago, our son told us "I HATE YOU! You're the worst parents on the planet!" And we've heard some similar sentiments over the years from our daughter. I think that's just part of parenting ... because sometimes you have to steer the kids thru uncomfortable territory or get them away from things that aren't good for them or give them the extra nudge towards taking responsibility ...
But then there are also some good moments. After spending the night with her cousin's a few weeks ago, our 13 year old daughter said "I'm glad you're my parents. You actually listen to us. You don't tell us to shut up. You don't cuss at us. You actually respect us." And that felt pretty good.