Culling and Hunting.... your opinions?

by FMZ 84 Replies latest social physical

  • FMZ

    I am sure this post will anger a few people, and I respect that some find the idea of killing an animal repulsive. All I ask is that, if you reply, you concentrate more on what you think of hunting and culling, rather than posting insults that I am a brute etc. Thanks..

    Unfortunately it is a sad fact of life, that sometimes it is necessary to kill one or many animals to make sure things stay in balance. For example, there are hundreds of fatal deer related accidents in the States each year... thousands of injuries. If there was no hunting season, then this number could easily have doubled. At what cost? Do you not think it is better to kill a few thousand deer each year and eat the meat (put it to good use), rather than allow these deer to cause traffic accidents which cost lives (and the deer ends up dead anyway)?

    I have a friend that owns a farm, and he had a couple of mousing cats. They lived outside and did their job well. The problem is, cats tend to procreate, and now there are over 20 cats living in this barn. Now there are so many cats around, there is quite a shortage of vermin to eat, so they are starving. Feeding 25 cats outside is neither financially efficient, or practical. So, he has asked me to go out there and kill some of the cats for him (I guess he doesn't have the balls).

    I personally don't have a problem with doing this, as it will ultimately make the ones I leave healthier, as they will have more food to eat etc., and the last thing the pet shelters need is 20 un-immunized cats and kittens that have been living on a farm.

    Anyhow.... What are your views and opinions?


  • drwtsn32

    This particular thing angers me because it is completely avoidable by simply getting your pet fixed. He should have fixed the two cats from the beginning.

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex

    Well considering that the thousands of dogs and cats are euthanised daily by animal shelters everywhere, there really is not much of a difference here.

    Although if it were me, I would probably ask around first to see if anyone wanted a cat who was a good mouser. Also, I would get whatever cats I had left spayed immediately so as to avoid this problem in the future.

    But that's just me.

  • sandy

    Have you tried giving them away? I would do whatever else I can before killing them. Actually, I could never kill them.

    This makes me very sad. And I don't even care for cats.

  • drwtsn32

    And BTW, I am not some animal rights cook who thinks no animals should be killed to better humanity. I support testing drugs on animals, etc., because human life is simply more important. I am of course against killing animals needlessly.

  • Stefanie

    I am against it, and thats all I will say.

  • FMZ

    I am with you guys on this. I believe he has gotten rid of one or two (to other local farmers), but most of them already have mousers and have the same problem. As far as getting them fixed, I also agree on that too... but what is done is done, and I have recommended that to him before, but he never got around to it.

    I am already surprised at the responses, I thought for sure someone would have blindly disagreed by now.


  • drwtsn32
    and I have recommended that to him before, but he never got around to it.

    So because he "never got around to it" twenty cats need to be killed. Lovely...

  • Maya

    How can you possibly equate hunting deer with killing CATS..........

    You have GOT to be kidding.........

    I've been a hunter since I was a teen-ager......

    Both rifle AND bow........

    I am so pissed right now....I'm gonna take my bow out and .......... don't wanna know..........

  • Stefanie

    Hey you changed your avatar...

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