I live in Wisconsin and our deer population is a real problem.
Last year we had more than 1.4 million deer in Wisconsin. And although automobile accidents are high - it's not the only concern with the deer over-population here. In 2002, in Wisconsin there were 20, 480 deer-automobile accidents in Wisconsin. Many fatalities and a huge bill to pay for damages etc.
The other problem is for the farmers. Farmers are hit hard and 91% of wildlife damage to their crops is attributable to the deer population.
There are parts of the state that have certain crops the deer love !! Just take a drive down in the southwestern part of the state-cranberry country. If you do-drive VERY SLOWLY because the deer are EVERYWHERE.
Another problem that isn't really addressed too often is the upset to the whole natural system. There are birds that have disappeared from this area because the plants they rely on are eaten by the deer before they can grow. They are also literally "eating away" certain species of plants while at the same time helping the overgrowth of other plants that aren't so great- that they don't fancy so much.
However, on the Menominee Indian Reservation, deer can be hunted year round. Their forest is rated one of the most productive and healthy and it's also one of the safest places to travel by car.
With the loss of natural predators and the increase in mild winters and plenty to eat- Just more deer. Our deer hunting season doesn't even put a dent in the overpopulation.
My 2 cents from the north where "just" the deer roam.