Culling and Hunting.... your opinions?

by FMZ 84 Replies latest social physical

  • Maya


    To discard or destroy unwanted cull a herd..........

  • ApagaLaLuz
    I will not enjoy doing this by any means, but I know it has to be done for the wellbeing of the rest of the family.

    Hey FMZ with all due respect, tell your friend to TAKE CARE OF HIS OWN DAMN CAT PROBLEM. no pun intended, but your friend sounds like a pussy

  • Sunnygal41

    FMZ, does this plan of your friend involve having the remaining ones spayed and neutered? If not, then within a short time, the same problem will present itself. Did he introduce these cats to his farm? Then, he has the responsibility to take care of this as part of farm operations. It is the height of irresponsibility to allow feral cats and dogs to reproduce unchecked. I, myself used to feed the local wild cats, and when possible, find homes for the kittens born. When I left the area, because they had become dependent on me for food, I found homes for them. This is NOT your problem, my friend, and I suggest to your friend that he needs to consider a long term solution to the problem. The Humane Society will usually neuter and spay at reduced prices, and, there are animal organizations that will defray costs. I've seen programs on TV where local relief groups go into areas where there are large populations of these poor creatures and spay and neuter them, then regularly feed them. Someone has to take responsibility for these "living creatures". Killing should be the last option, IMO, unless these are food animals. Deer can be eaten, cats usually can't............


  • Badger
    Re: Culling of Badgers

    Bring it on, sucka!

  • Stefanie
    Deer can be eaten, cats usually can't............

    Unless its stirfried with brocoli and served with rice............................

  • FMZ

    I realize that this is not technically my problem. But, if I don't do this, it will not get done, and the cats will slowly die of starvation.

    As far as homing them, unless I can do it personally (i.e. they don't have to go to a shelter) then I would rather kill them. There are already way too many cats in shelters etc, and they are holed up in a cage.

    I know I would prefer to die than be holed up in prison the rest of my life. Just my humble opinion.


  • Sunnygal41
    As far as getting them fixed, I also agree on that too... but what is done is done, and I have recommended that to him before, but he never got around to it.

    I would have reservations on coming in and doing something for a friend who continued blindly on repeating the same pattern, considering that in this case it means an animal's life. Otherwise he will take no responsibility and continue to look for others to solve his problem for him. I would make a deal with him, to HELP him take the cats he plans on keeping to the vets for spaying/neutering.........then have the rest humanely euthanized or find homes for them. It's alot of work, but, again, these animals are HIS responsibility to care for. They are not just things to throw away.


  • Sunnygal41
    So Chevy...what you're saying is he should have to eat the cats he kills.

    Watson............why what a wonderful idea........that way maybe he'd think twice before letting the situation get like this next time!

  • FMZ

    I have made it clear to him that I expect the remainder to be neutured and spayed. All I can do is my part...


  • FMZ

    Heck, if I could cook up some nice crispy orange kitty, I might start using his barn as a takeout...

    <ducks cause of the tasteless joke>


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