Culling and Hunting.... your opinions?

by FMZ 84 Replies latest social physical

  • Pork Chop
    Pork Chop

    This guy should kill his own cats, however, feral cats are extremely destructive to wildlife so if he won't do it himself then I think someone needs to. Shooting is humane if it is properly done, I can't believe someone recommended poisoning, that's really nasty business.

  • Euphemism

    FMZ... dude, you've got guts! I think you're doing the right thing, but if I were you, I sure as hell wouldn't have posted about it... now you're going to be forever branded on the board as the kitty-killer...

  • FMZ
    FMZ... dude, you've got guts! I think you're doing the right thing, but if I were you, I sure as hell wouldn't have posted about it... now you're going to be forever branded on the board as the kitty-killer...

    I've been called worse.. If people think less of me for doing what I believe is the most humane thing to do in this situation, then so be it. It's just an opinion thing.. I am surprised though, at the lack of people against it, I was genuinely hoping that I could find out why many people are against culling and hunting. From what I have gathered, it seems that most think that (as long as nothing else can be done) culling is humane in the long run, and that hunting is OK as long as you plan on eating what you kill. These are pretty much my sentiments on the matter. Thanks all for your input. FMZ

  • Bulldog

    I am a meat hunter, and I think that if you try to be humane about it, make a clean kill, and don't waste the meat, you show respect for the life you have taken. I think it is a lot more humane than pigs, chickens, and cattle raised in industrial farm settings, as these huge facilities treat animals cruelly and damage our environment. The bottom line is the almighty dollar, not animal welfare.

    At least the hunted animal knows there is danger and has a very good chance of getting away. Unlike a farm raised animal that trusts you and will follow you around looking for treats, and suddenly one day you turn on it and slaughter it. To me it is a harder sell than hunting wild game.

    I worked as a vet tech for 7 years, and I have seen many horrible examples of feral cat overpopulation. They breed and inbreed, so you start getting very strange abnormalities, like extra toes, dwarfism etc... and no matter how many toms kill kittens which they do so they can have another poke at the mother cat, there are way more being born, so the population will continue increasing until a virus wipes most of them out, or starvation kills most of them. But never fear, the survivors will breed again, as cats come into heat every month, and if pregnant gestate only 60 days, then when the kittens are about 5 weeks old she will go into heat again! Cats average 6-12 kittens per litter, and those kittens are ready to breed at 6 months of age.

    If you have a death wish, go ahead and catch the cats and try to spay and neuter them! I have personally lost two thumbnails trying to catch feral cats, ( they grew back but are not normal) and have been bitten with deep puncture wounds hundreds of times in just seconds. Feral cats are like little demons and are very dangerous. My boss had one run up his face scratching and biting,.he had huge cuts across both cheeks both eyelids ripped open, and he was pretty much scalped. One of my coworkers got serious bloodpoisoning from their highly bacterial bites. She nearly died.

    I would rather face a raging pitbull than a cornered feral cat, as I have some chance of success againt the dog as compared with the cat.

    I would not reccomend poison, as this is a slow, tortuous death, and very cruel. Shooting the cats is a good option if you are a good shot. They don't die easy, those nine lives are not a joke, but unless you can somehow confine them all in an airtight room and use dry ice to CO2 them to death peacefully, shooting them by making sure of your aim before shooting, ( and for gosh sakes make sure that nothing else is behind your shot, like a cow, or person) patience will make clean kills. Your local vet would not be happy to have to try to kill that many feral cats by lethal injection, it is so dangerous. We used welding gloves, but they could bite right through them and we usually had to snare them which is really horrible, as you practically strangle them to keep them in the noose. They rip their toes off in live traps, and break their jaws in an attempt to escape the cage. These are not your cute little cuddly pets that you have at home, but true little demons.

    I would consult the local SPCA,. who may be able to offer another suggestion, but, I can't think of any other way, and I don't like drowning things either.

  • Bulldog

    By the way I do think you should skin and gut each and every cat, make use of the skins some how, like make the guy wear them, and freeze the carcasses and make him eat every single one, so that he knows the seriousness of wasting life needlessly through carelessness.

    Here is an ultrasonic device that claims to get rid of cats, but they just move somewhere else.

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