Governing Blunders - Part 1

by hillary_step 85 Replies latest jw friends

  • wasasister
    That statement still makes me cross my legs very rapidly.

    No worries, HS. My super-powers are only used for vanquishing evil. You're safe with me.

  • logansrun


    No-one is casting doubt on the fact that women may percieve emotions in a different, perhaps more enhanced way than men.

    Isn't saying that a peson perceives emotions in a "more enhanced" way the same as saying that that person is more emotional? If I said that Arnold Shwarzenegger has "more enhanced" strength than myself isn't that the equivalent of simply stating he is stronger than me? And is being more emotional a bad thing? I don't think so.

    I can accept this, but cannot accept any of the statements by a 'female psycholgist', or a man who claims that you can divide the population of the world into two camps, the 'thinkers' and the 'feelers'.

    I don't accept the former psychologist either. To be fair to the doctor I quoted, studies using the Meyer's Briggs test generally tend to support the notion that, yes, the world is divided somewhat evenly between people who are either more cerebral or more emotional. It's not just one guy who says this. All the same, I'm not going to argue this as I'm trying to be less pedantic.

    How much of all this is a self-fulfilling sterotype is yet to be assessed,

    It's quite possible that women are more "emotional" due to our culture rather than something innate about them. I promise I'll raise my daughter in a gender neutral way.

    but that is not the thrust of the WTS reason for quoting a 'female psychologist'. She was quoted to reinforce a desperate Biblical cliche that women are inferior in emotional capability than are men. A *very* Augustine perception, and one that is patently untrue and innacurate. That Dr Boeree bought into this classic notion from a lateral position means nothing.

    No, Dr Boeree did not "buy into this classic notion." Show me where he says that "women are inferior" in any way. Unless you equate being more emotional, or -- excuse me -- "perceiving emotion in an enhanced way", with inferiority. If so, that is your problem.

    It should not escape the grasp of your intellectual reasoning to conclude that women are throughly capable of both thinking and feeling and that stereotypes are just that, a ham-fisted attempt at creating statistical melting pots.

    The straw men continue. Neither I nor the quotations I listed said that anyone is not capable of thinking and feeling. I made it quite clear that we all experience both qualities (the division of which is a murky concept) on a contiuum, and can be said to predominately display either one or the other, and even that fluctuates given different circumstances.

    All I can do is ask you Brad to explain this statement :

    I still say there is *some* truth (no I was not kidding) to the notion that, generally speaking, women tend to be a bit more emotionally minded then men.

    Might I ask how you know that "generally speaking" women tend to be more 'emotionally minded" than men.

    That's the conclusion that many personality tests indicate. Plus, my subjective experience tells me so. It also tells me that you are an emotional basket-case, HS.

    Are you sure that perhaps your perceptions are not based on a middle-class Western perception and the occasional rebuke from your girlfriend for being a trifle dense at times? Do Myers-Briggs operate in Italy, or Argentina where men have been known to cry and kill their neighbours for scratching their new Alfa's?


    Yours in pedanticism,


  • logansrun


    I think (feel?) Meyers-Briggs is full of crap. I've taken it several times when interviewing for jobs, at seminars, etc. Each time I was able to make the test come out to get me hired (or whatever.) Some of the popular tests have a graph based on which of four traits dominate. I never did find a graph to fit my results.

    Well, you're normally not going to get accurate results when you "make the test come out to get [you] hired." You're supposed to be honest about your answers.

    The MB type indicator does not say that someone is all "one way" or the other. If you take the time to research the matter -- instead of tweaking your answers to get a job -- you will understand this. For instance, I'm a strong T (thinking) and a strong J (judging), but I'm right on the border between E (extrovert) and I (introvert) as well as S (sensing) and N (intuitive).



  • hillary_step


    Sometimes you can be an ace squonka.

    You seem to have drifted from and confused the whole issue. What I am saying is that the world does not divide neatly between 'thinkers' and 'feelers', woman being the feelers and men being the feelers. What the WTS is stating is that this is not so. They then quoted a psychologist to try to bolster their patently absurd notion.

    Along comes Brad, quote in hand and tries, at least from what I can see, to prove that there is *some* truth in the WTS position as indicated by their quoted sources. So far so you have failed to present anything but your home grown generalizations, and a quote from a Doctor who is happy to make statements such as ' Half of all people are thinking and half are feeling'. A completely unprovable assertion upon which he bases all his notions.

    Go back, read the original post, tell me what parts of the quotation you agree with and what parts you do not. Be sure to present some *evidence* for why you 'feel' the way you do.

    Sheesh! And you accuse me of building

    Best regards - HS

  • XQsThaiPoes

    Actually the problem of the sexist definition implied in to the words thinkers and feelers. There are quantifiable differences on the brain caused by male and female hormones. Testosterone for example makes you what I assume they call a "thinker". Lack of Testosterone makes you I assume a "feeler" in context. In fact women "feel" more because the lack of androgens make their brain more efficiency at what I assume this thing is trying to "feeling". They actually took a mans "weakness" and turned it into an asset. That is like saying being colorblind is better.

    But that is as silly in real life as a woman injecting steroids to improve her aim or a man castrating himself to recognize the emotions of person with an ambiguous facial expression. It is not a male female thing but a hormone thing. If you ladies want to dull your emotions and become a "thinker" start shooting up. You will also become stronger, increase your sex drive, and grow more body hair.

    My biggest GBB is changing the sheep and the goat and the generation. Resigning from the board of directors. Changing the 1985 baptism vows.

    If you combine all those being a Baptized JW is null and void or really stupid if you are not "anointed".

  • cyber-sista
    Women feel while men think?,

    I am a woman and I feel after reading things of this sort written by the Org.

  • blacksheep

    The MB type indicator does not say that someone is all "one way" or the other. If you take the time to research the matter -- instead of tweaking your answers to get a job -- you will understand this. For instance, I'm a strong T (thinking) and a strong J (judging), but I'm right on the border between E (extrovert) and I (introvert) as well as S (sensing) and N (intuitive).

    That's precisely my personality profile--although I was less borderline on the Into v. Extro--more higher Intro. But I am a woman. The BS that I object to about the WT article is the fact that voila! They've just condensed women and men down to 2 categories based on their sex, not based on their actual personality characterists.

    That's utter hogwash.

  • blacksheep

    My point is not that the Society is correct, but that they simply took an idea which has a kernel of truth, and "ran with it" into obviously sexist and long-disproven notions.\

    Don't give the society any credit on this. They simply took a clearly pre-existing stereotype and spewed it. They didn't do any "personality" research.

  • wannaexit
    Apparently from an unamed woman psychologist and the famous department of ?many authorities? that the WTS frequently relies on.

    For decades the unwritten rule in watchtowertown has been not to seek the help of "worldly authority", yet they can go to them and take their advice and advocate it in the pages of their "rags".

    As a results thousands of devoted women have suffered at the hands of abusive dubs because of articles such as this.

    I hope they get their just reward very soon.


  • wannaexit


    I forgot to say thanks for your thoughts and looking forward to the next installment.


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