Governing Blunders - Part 1

by hillary_step 85 Replies latest jw friends

  • Euphemism
    I would be pleased if you might show where I have claimed what you suggest above.
    So, when the author Bradley quoted said that roughly half of all people are thinkers and half are feelers, he was saying half tend to favor thinking over feeling, and half tend to favor feeling over thinking

    What you seem to have missed Euphemism is the following statements :

    Myself : The statement above is nonsensical even if attributed to a mix of genders.

    So do you agree that my rephrasing of Dr. Boeree's statement (highlighted above) correctly reflects its meaning? If so, then why is the statement nonsensical?

    Nonetheless, I still say there is *some* truth (no I was not kidding) to the notion that, generally speaking, women tend to be a bit more emotionally minded then men.

    Do you agree with this statement?

    I agree with what I think Bradley is trying to say, although I would have worded it differently. I would have said: "There is some truth to the notion that on average, women tend do be a bit more feelings-oriented than men."

    Does Meyer-Briggs, whose findings were used by Bradley to defend this notion?
    I think that Myers and Briggs (two separate individuals, and incidentally both of them women) would agree with the factual statement that women are more likely than men to display a Feeling preference on the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator.
  • hillary_step


    So do you agree that my rephrasing of Dr. Boeree's statement (highlighted above) correctly reflects its meaning? If so, then why is the statement nonsensical?

    No, because he made it gender dominant.

    I agree with what I think Bradley is trying to say, although I would have worded it differently. I would have said: "There is some truth to the notion that on average, women tend do be a bit more feelings-oriented than men."

    And you would base your statement on....?

    I think that Myers and Briggs (two separate individuals, and incidentally both of them women) would agree with the factual statement that women are more likely than men to display a Feeling preference on the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator.

    I am of course well aware that Meyer-Briggs are two individuals, the give away is that they have different names! Euphemism, that Meyer-Briggs draw conclusions, does not neccessarily make it a correct one. The system has been heavily criticized in its findings when used beyond fixed boundaries. IMHO using the system to define emotional or intellectual parameters for the whole of humanity has its flaws. I would for example, like to see *where* the tests were pooled. Within the US? Within Europe? Was South America included? How about Africa?

    Berst regards - HS

  • SYN

    Unfortunately I havna time to read this whole damn thread (good post though Hillary), but I just wanted to say that I'd like to see some of those self-righteous GB members try to raise 3 kids on welfare.

    I bet they'd get real far.

  • Euphemism
    No, because he made it gender dominant.

    Where is the gender dominance in the statement "half of all people are thinking and half are feeling"? I don't see any reference to gender there.

    And you would base your statement on....?

    On the MBTIs.

    Euphemism, that Meyer-Briggs draw conclusions, does not neccessarily make it a correct one.

    Of course it doesn't. Myers and Briggs aren't God!

    But you didn't merely claim that the statement was incorrect. You claimed that it was nonsensical on its face. That's a pretty strong claim to make.

  • SixofNine
    Of course it doesn't. Myers and Briggs aren't God!

    Hell, god is even god anymore.

  • jgnat

    I saw an old Batman and Robin flick the other day. The episode where an evil mastermind put the WOMEN in charge. Within days, chaos! The female police officer was too busy painting her nails to corner the criminal. And on and on it went until Batman and Robin set the world right again.

    I was horrified at the message, and equally horrified when I realized that I swallowed it whole when I was a little girl. (I love the old Batman and Robin flicks.) What makes the WTBTS unique, is that due to their calcified structure, they are incapable of flexing with the times. There were women with greater responsibility immediately after Pentecost, than in the WT organization today. To modern society, the WTBTS is hopelessly archaic. This can only get worse, as our society continues to evolve.

    From my perspective, men's brains marinate in testosterone, making them incapable of compromise when directly challenged.

  • hillary_step


    But you didn't merely claim that the statement was incorrect. You claimed that it was nonsensical on its face. That's a pretty strong claim to make.

    Okay, I will reasess my statement. The statement was imho incorrect and imho nonsensical, because imho it was nonsensically incorrect.

    Where is the gender dominance in the statement "half of all people are thinking and half are feeling"? I don't see any reference to gender there.

    Half of all people are thinking and half are feeling, but the proportions differ when we start looking at gender: The majority of men are thinkers and the majority of women are feelers.

    There, in the conclusion of the statement. Nonesensical incorrectness, if ever I read

    ake care Euphemism - HS

  • SixofNine
    From my perspective, men's brains marinate in testosterone, making them incapable of compromise when directly challenged.

    That statement is catagorically untrue, false from start to finish, and without merit. It's an affront to all men at all times, and should never be repeated or even thought, by anyone, ever.

    btw, I'm through the first chapter of On Writing Gooder.

  • seeitallclearlynow

    LOL SixofNine.

  • hillary_step


    By the time a man reaches fifty years of age, he has 50% less testosterone in his system than he did at twenty-five. At this age he begins to become a 'feeler' rather than a 'thinker'. On the other hand females begin to aquire more male hormones making them 'thinkers' rather than feelers. I am over fifty and am pleased to inform you that I became a 'feeler' a little while ago.

    At this stage the Meyers-Briggs test self-combusts and leaves a mushroom cloud over Feminist Headquarters.

    Best regards - HS

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