HS, I'd appreciate being directed to articles critical of Myer-Briggs testing.
I touched on this earlier, but I think the testing is - for anything other than a most superficial parlor trick - nonsense. As I said, I have managed to manipulate the test results to come out the way that would serve me best. I admit I was not always honest, but part of my responses were subconscious, knowing the expectations of the interveiwers.
The point about dividing people between "thinkers" and "feelers" is what I find silly, even if gender was removed from the equation (although gender seems to persist in these comments.) I've always hated being pigeon-holed as one type or another (even refusing to have my colors "done" back when it was imperative for women to know if they were a "summer" or a "fall".)
The way I see it, ALL people are BOTH thinkers and feelers and call upon those and other resources as the situation demands. If women have developed more sensitivity at times, it is because it was necessary for them to survive or succeed. I have come this far in life by being able to call on both intuition and logic, although I would say at this phase of my life, logic plays a much bigger role in major decisions.
Wasa/scratching her balls in disbelief