Ellderwho AND Deputy Dog:
I have some questions for you, on your beliefs:
1: Does God control humans' every choice?
2: If a human decides to go to the bathroom, is that choice controlled by God? If a human decides to stay up late, was that choice controlled by God? If a human decides to sleep in late was that controlled by God?
3: When a human chooses to sin (let's say, lie or murder or steal), was that choice controlled by God?
4: Does God control every single decision people make, OR does He only control certain decisions they make?
5: If God only controls certain decisions they make, then which decisions does He control and which does He NOT control?
6: Does God love ALL people, or does God only love CERTAIN people that He foreordained for salvation?
7: Does God desire that ALL people be saved, or does God only desire CERTAIN people that He foreordained to be saved?
8: Did Jesus Christ die for ALL people, or did He die only for CERTAIN people that He foreordained for salvation?
9: Did God create sin?
10: Did God originate lying?
11: Did God create Lucifer with the freedom to choose whether or not to sin, OR did God create Lucifer so that Lucifer had NO CHOICE except to sin?
12: Did God create Adam and Eve with the freedom to choose whether or not to sin, OR did God create Adam and Eve so that they had NO CHOICE except to sin?
13: Does God tempt people with evil?
14: Is everything that happens God's will? Is everything that people do God's will?
15: Even when the Bible says that something is NOT God's will, is that still God's will?
16: Is it God's will that not everyone does God's will?