Wow, Bradley, I'm sorry you had to go through that, but I'm also very proud of you for standing up for yourself, even if you got angry.
I had a similar experience with a former JW friend years ago - I'd forgotten about it until now. Like you, I had been going through severe depression... to the point of being suicidal. Finally I hooked up with some exJWs online and could honestly vent and rant to, without being put down or judged, or feeling that I somehow brought it upon myself the way that JWs had been treating my family and me. It was the best medicine for me, to know that I wasn't alone, to know that other people had gone through almost identical experiences with JWs, and to know that it wasn't MY FAULT.
This friend remarked on how much my mood had improved since the last time I saw her. All I said was that it was very helpful to me to be able to talk to people who really understood and could identify with some of the things I had been going through in the congregation. Her immediate reaction was to yell at me for "associating with apostates" and warned me that they would 'drag me down to their level' and 'turn me away from The Truth?'.
Like you, those kinds of statements pissed me off tremendously! She couldn't wrap her head around the fact that my depression was in large part BECAUSE of the JWs, and that BECAUSE of the JWs, I couldn't be HONEST with them and DISCUSS my troubles with them, which made the depression even worse!! She was disgusted that I had found compassion and empathy among people who were "inactive" like me, and who decided that The Truth? just wasn't for them anymore.... yet it was MY FAULT that JWs treated me like a pariah (for no other reason than my being depressed).
It made me realize that there is no way you can "win" in this kind of situation with a JW (or any other cultist). The Organization may have its flaws - which are obvious to them - but they are stuck in the mindset of "where else shall we go?" and there's no other way, in their mind, to get everlasting life than by staying with the Organization.
I hope you have an amazing time in Dallas! I hope you come back home refreshed and happy and so full of life and excitement and friendship, that your mother will wonder why you were never as happy as a JW as you are when you step off that plane after the Apostafest. All a mother wants for her children is for them to be happy. She may not like your choices or agree with your beliefs, but deep down inside she does want you to be happy. Unfortunately, your depression was a motivating factor for her having hope that you might someday go back to the JWs [the old 'get them while they're down' trick], and now she's angry that "you" have blown that dream of hers to smithereens.
Love, Scully