And the winner of the best film award at the Cannes festival is ...

by Simon 103 Replies latest social entertainment

  • SixofNine
    Otherwise, no uproar, no reason for Manson to be in the film, got it?

    Yeah, I got that. I don't "get" your criticism. As you said, there was "uproar", hence Manson is in the film.

  • SixofNine

    Ok guys...

    I gotta be honest. I haven't done enough research to be having this argument, and it might really bite me in the ass, lol. As I said, I didn't set out to be the board apologist for Michael Moore. The first bits of criticism I researched, I found to be baseless, and I didn't continue digging. I suppose I figured that most of the criticism was just coming from the same camp that spun things to get America to choose GW Bush as the republican nominee over John McCain.

    If indeed the NRA did cancel their events as the hardylaw website says they did, then I'm wrong to be taking up for Moore, he should have told us that in the movie. And if I'm wrong about that one, I'm certainly not going to go to bat on others if I'm not even into it enough to have read this stuff already. 'Cause it ain't my fight.

    Sorry for wasting your time.

    And no rem, that type of obfuscation would not be my style if I ever did a piece on the WT.

  • rem


    They are not allowed to cancel or move the site without 10 days notice - these are legally required corporate meetings. Unfortunately there was not enough time to do this. Also, the NRA cancelled many events out of respect for the Columbine residents. Are you specifically ignoring this for some reason?

    Then again, what does this have to do with gun violence other than to just make the NRA look bad?

    BTW, I find the following comment at the end of Heston's speech in Denver that day very precient:

    One more thing. Our words and our behavior will be scrutinized more than ever this morning. Those who are hostile toward us will lie in wait to seize on a soundbite out of context, ever searching for an embarrassing moment to ridicule us. So let us be mindful ... the eyes of the nation are upon us today.


  • rem


    We're cool! And I'm still gonna watch Moore's new film because I'm sure I'll be entertained - and maybe it will be better than his last attempt. Either way I'm probably just a glutton for punishment. :)


  • copsec

    I find the man and his method of storytelling repulsive. He is IMHO a "showboater" who cares not about causes but about lining his pockets and going about it any way he can. An idiot!

  • avishai

    Thanks, sixo. You're my new hero, man.

  • Realist


    thanks for the link about the bowling! i haven't seen the movie just excerpts from it that ran as ads. the heston speech in colorado was one of the scenes.

    of all the critisism the one that i think is indeed critical is the one about trying to make heston look like a racist. that is bad and certainly highly damaging to moore's credability.

    whether heston gave the 'cold dead hands' speech one day or one year after colombine is however irrelevant imo. heston and the others uttered empty phrases after colombine but don't consider for a moment to give up their weapons to protect others. even if exaggerated moore seems to depict hestons true intentions pretty accurately.

    about switzerland having a high number of firearms but a low number of homicides with guns involved...well of course if you have a country with an overall much lower crime rate you will get a lower homicide rate involving guns as well. this does not at all damage the argument that if no one would have a fire arm no one could get killed with one.

  • avishai
    this does not at all damage the argument that if no one would have a fire arm no one could get killed with one.

    Yes, but since we do have firearms, That argument, though it sounds nice and is used A LOT is childish, unrealistic and silly

  • SixofNine

    You guys are too nice.

    While I'm taking my lumps, I deserve a good ass kicking from dubla too. He pm'd me that website or one just like it recently, and I didn't think the first couple of arguments had merit, so I didn't read further to the hard evidence of the NRA canceling events in Denver.

  • funkyderek
    whether heston gave the 'cold dead hands' speech one day or one year after colombine is however irrelevant imo. heston and the others uttered empty phrases after colombine but don't consider for a moment to give up their weapons to protect others. even if exaggerated moore seems to depict hestons true intentions pretty accurately.

    Wouldn't it be more accurate if Moore had simply presented what Heston actually said, instead of cutting and splicing things together to make it seem like he said something he didn't when he didn't?

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