And the winner of the best film award at the Cannes festival is ...

by Simon 103 Replies latest social entertainment

  • Golf

    Sixofnine, your comment, '...left you with plenty to think about,...' is the main point. The choice will always be left up to us. What motivates Moore to make such films? Is he trying to tell us something? In Columbine, was it guns kill people or people kill people?

    Guest 77

  • Simon

    Actually, it's the bullets that kill people

  • Golf

    Thanks Simon, I thought it was people like Moore.

    Guest 77

  • Simon

    Well, he's a big guy ... I guess if he fell on you he could hurt you but as far as I know, he kills far, far fewer people than say ... ooh, Bush for instance !!

  • frenchbabyface
    Sixo : If I ever get to make a film about the WaterTower Backhoe and Tractor Society, should I expect great lamentations from the ex-JW community if the film does well in the documentary catagory? Cuz I assure you, I would not be un-biased in my presentation. I would look for the absolute worst, most heartbreaking stories to tell. I would dig thru the publications, and video of talks being given, and secret videos of judicial meetings, to find the ugliest, most hurtful things JW's acting in an official capacity have ever said on or off the record. I would be totally honest, but Jehovahs Witnesses will not see it as honest, and in fact some non-witness people who just-don't-know, would assume that I have been dishonest as well, due to my bias.
    Sixo : I think people would do well to be more honest with themselves about Moores work, figure out why it bothers them so much. I'll give you a hint: Moore didn't tell you what to believe about guns in America in "bowling", in fact he didn't define what the problem is. He alluded to alot of things. Those things were in context and relevant, there is no sin in that. Basically, he made a movie that was both entertaining and left you with plenty to think about, if you're the sort of person who does that. I'm personally put off by the grandstanding he does, but just because I'm annoyed by it does not make it in any way "dishonest".

    Well said !

    Anyway : what about the news (depends on the chanel) ? sensational / biased / true or not ?

    Simon :
    Sometimes you need people who will get in your face and shake the tree a little.
    As for taking advantage of the columbine tradgedy ... c'mon !!!
  • barry

    I have an artical here from The Daily Telegraph

    Mischief-making spree, when Moore is less

    by Tim Blair

    Michael Moore backs striking French workersread the weekend headlines from the Cannes Film Festival. In fact, the people Moore backed were the opposite of workers- they were unemployed actors protesting about welfare cuts.

    So they weren,t actually on strike, either. An accurate headlinemight have read "Michael Moorebacks work-shy French dole mimes'.

    Accuracy tends to elude Moore, in Cannes to promote Fahrenheit 9\11 hislatest anti-George W Bush propaganda exercise.

    By all accounts it should satisfy the same gigantic audience that enjoyed Moore,s previous film, Bowling for Columbine, And his best -selling books Stupid White Men, Dude, What happened to my Country? and Hey, Commies"Buy This Book and MAke a Fat Millionaire Even Richer.

    A complete list of the misrepresentations in these works would run longer than a Kenyon marathoner.

    Among Columbine,s howlers Moore altered an old Bush/Quayle advertisement to include words that didnt appear originally, claimed the US gave $245 million to the Taliban, and described harmless missiles designed to launch weather satellites as weapons of mass destruction.

    Central to Moore,s new movie is an alleged conspiracy between the Evil Bush Family and Wicked Saudi Oil men, which led to -as Moore presents it -the stealthy spiriting away from America of Bin Laden family members following Sept 11.

    This will excite people who haven,t read the testimony from the 9/11 Commission which cleared the US Government of wrongdoing over the Bin Laden family issue.

    If Moore had serious evidence of Government mischief what was he doing concealing it for more than a year?

    Little surprise that most of Mike,s causes end up destroyed. Hand him a cute little pet cause and he,ll hug it and pat it and squeeze it and hug it and ...opps . Dead.

    Just like Payback Tuesday ,Moore,s advance description of the 2002 congressional elections.

    'We will deny Bush control of the Congress'. Moore predicted. Result; a massive swing to Bush. And Wesley Clark, of whom Moore said; 'He will cream George W Bush'. Result;Wes was wiped.

    Moore,s latest pet cause is Iraqi insurgency, 'They are the REVOLUTION, the minutemen, and their numbers will grow,' Moore wrote, ' and they will win.'

    Sure they will Mike. Just like youre handout-addicted French drama friends.

  • frenchbabyface
    Barry : Accuracy tends to elude Moore, in Cannes to promote Fahrenheit 9\11 hislatest anti-George W Bush propaganda exercise.

    So What ? The News worked on propaganda for Bush enough don't you think ?

    Barry : Commies"Buy This Book and MAke a Fat Millionaire Even Richer.

    Well I know Bush is not fat, but be sure he made sure getting richer (with or without your consent)

    Barry : Little surprise that most of Mike,s causes end up destroyed. Hand him a cute little pet cause and he,ll hug it and pat it and squeeze it and hug it and ...opps . Dead.

    And you like that don't you ? (weird the way you said it - you just don't like what he is able to desmonstrate : why ? hum ...) but you know what ? WE Have a brain and memory and we will see for ourselves,

    and his job doesn't kill ... it's important in the matter (I guess)

  • donkey

    You can put my name in the "Hate Moore" column and I definitely won't be seeing his movie.

  • Yerusalyim

    Michael Moore is a complete idiot, has he ever made a movie worth seeing? He is to the movie industry what Louis Fahrikan is to Islam. Michael Moore wouldn't know the truth if it was wedged up his A$$.

    You're suprised this did well in France. First there was his engenioused scheme here in the US to get press claiming Disney screwed him (although he knew a year ago about Disney not letting Marimax carry the film), and where is the Cannes film festival at? oh yeah, France, that bastion of conservativism in europe (can you hear the sarcasm in my voice?), and who goes to Cannes? Oh, that's right, movie industry types and their devotees...and we KNOW the film industry aren't leftists, they're "progressive"

  • little witch
    little witch


    I agree with what you say about money and politics, although It is not just Bush, nor is it this happening only in American politics. Millions are spent on advertising and obviously the method works, or it wouldn't happen.

    I can also see your point that Michael Moore is to you a political figure and that is where my issue is. The Cannes Film Festival has become a politically driven venue, without regard to cinematography, accolades to superb actors, or notice to brilliant minds of the film industry. It seems to me that the whole meaning of films and their critique has become just another advertising venue for politicians.

    Personally, the hand holding, and air kissing between hollywood usa and politicians sickens me. Celebrities being used to sway world politics? They should stick to selling pepsi and nike shoes.

    I feel really bad for the people who created many fine films and were shot down for their efforts because american politics once again needed central stage.

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