Austin Powers ... tell me when I should be laughing please

by Simon 46 Replies latest social entertainment

  • Simon

    I'm sorry, but I've just watched one of the Austin Powers movies for the first time after hearing many people rave about them and IMO it's almost as bad as "Armageddon" that is on the other side.

    I thought it was supposed to be a comedy?! It is kind-a like the poorest "carry-on" movie ever

    The only saving grace that has stopped me switching over is Heather Graham ... who is hot !!

  • shera

    I'm not a big fan of those movies as well...

    He gets on my nerves big time!

  • Special K
    Special K

    Yuck for Austin Power movies

    I can't stand them either.

    Special K

  • Double Edge
    Double Edge

    I was a teenager in the 60s. The first POWERS movie I thought was funny, ONLY because it satired 60's Bond-type movies. If you take it as face value, they really are pathetic films.... although Mike Myers (Canadian btw) is really talented (imo)....

  • Leolaia

    Which one was it. The last one was an abysmal failure.....completely and utterly unfunny. The first one though I liked a lot.

  • Simon

    Dunno what it was called ... it had "Mini-Me" in it and a gorgeous blonde with big ... oh, yes - I already said Heather Graham was in it didn't I ?!

  • avishai

    That would be the second one, The spy who shagged me, in the US.

  • Leolaia

    Hmm, okay then it has to be the second one. That was okay, but it had only one laugh-out funny part.

  • seeitallclearlynow

    I mostly hated the Austin Powers movies, especially the disgusting, disgusting, baby-eater pig guy.

    But Mike Meyers cracks me up sometimes and he is so good as Dr. Evil, just boring as Austin Powers!

    Did you ever see him in "So I Married an Axe Murderer"?

    It's a great comedy, and Mike again plays dual roles - it's VERY GOOD. Kind of a cult classic I guess! Great soundtrack too.

    Wonderful supporting cast - Nancy Travis, Anthony LaPaglia, Alan Arkin, and Brenda Fricker.

  • Corvin

    Austin Powers was not exactly my cup of tea, but I enjoyed some of the outrageous characters tho. I much prefer Mike Meyers in his first film, So I Married An Ax Murderer. Funny stuff. He also plays his father in that film, a scottish guy who loves the Bay City Rollers. My kids and I so relate to the same kind of comedy. We all laugh at the same time at the same stuff while watching a movie or tv show. My wife, however, rarely laughs at the same stuff I laugh at . . .


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