Who is the most famous person you know or have met?

by confusedjw 94 Replies latest jw experiences

  • TresHappy

    Does Rick Springfield count as famous?

  • happehanna

    The Queen and Princess Anne and Sarah aka Fergie. But my daughter has met Prince William.

    Not that I am a royalist just used to live in Windsor many years ago.

  • a wee scots lass
    a wee scots lass

    Got backstage and meet George Benson and his son Robbie after one of his concerts by pleeding with his security gaurd to show him my pioneer card as ID. Security were instructed by George only to let in those with the ID. We were shown into his dressing room and he greeted us with "are you my sisters?" and a really big hug! - Very nice man - dont know if he is still JW

    also met:

    The queen

    Chris de something that sang lady in red

    and a few Scottish celebs - most of them from the world of football

  • Mulan
    Mark Victor Hansen, co author of Chicken Soup for the Soul books. I had breakfast with him, at my table, at a 5 day seminar we were both guests for. He is a great guy.

    Now that's exciting! When you get to spend an extended amount of time with an inspirational person. That's what really counts.

    I had never seen a photo of him but knew he was going to be there with us. When he asked if he could join us at breakfast, he shook my hand as he sat down, and said he was Mark. That's all. Later when he went to get more food at the buffet, I saw his name tag on his belt. Before that I just thought he was Mark. He was very inspirational. I've met him several times since then and saw him at baggage claim in an airport once. I yelled his name, and he yelled mine back at me. That was cool. How could he remember my name?

    I used to clean house for a woman who was related to Pierce Brosnan. She had photos of him all over her house, with her and her kids, even holding one of her babies. I think he was a cousin of hers.

    Last month, I was in line at the drug store behind Tom Skerritt. He lives near us.

  • ApagaLaLuz
    How could he remember my name?

    Well obviously you must have left an impression on him, like you do so many, maybe that's why people invite you to be a guest speaker

  • Mulan

    He was the first one I can remember who used "Marilyn Monroe" on me. He always called me that. Now I tell people to remember that name when they see me and they will know my name is Marilyn. The Manager at the gym I go to calls me Ms. Monroe.

    Mark was big on using memory triggering techniques. Here is a photo I have of me with Mark at a seminar in Phoenix a few years ago. (we both sold nutritional supplements for the same supplier) My late cousin, Sharon, struck up a friendship with Mark's personal assistant, Paula, and they emailed for years before Sharon's death.

  • Billygoat

    Once when I was about 8 and living in Hawaii, I saw Tom Selleck and Roger E. Mosely at TGI Fridays. I asked them for their autographs and Roger E. Mosely yelled at me. Said he couldn't go anywhere without being bugged by "little brats" like me wanting autographs. I was pretty little and it terrified me - this huge black dude yelling at me. LOL! We left the restaurant, with me in tears. I remember wishing my dad were with me because he would have told that guy off! As we were leaving, Tom Selleck ran after me with a napkin in hand with his signature scribbled on it. I remember he smiled really big and apologized for his "friend" and then ruffled my hair as he walked away.

    Another time, I snuck off to a Rick Springfield concert when I was in the 8th grade, with some worldly girlfriends. We were in the 3rd row and as he spun with his guitar one time, his sweat flicked onto me. I thought I'd died and gone to heaven. LOL!

  • Leolaia

    I forgot to mention that I also know Dennie Thorpe, Lucasfilm foley artist, her ex-husband Marc Thorpe (who invented Robot Wars and Battlebots), his partner Will Wright (inventor of the Sims and Sim City), and I had dinner twice with Vint Cerf, the real inventor of the internet. I've also met nobel laureate David Baltimore.

  • Leolaia

    Billygoat....Not quite the same, but I also had James Doohan (Scotty) yell at me for putting a tape recorder in his face.

  • Mulan
    As we were leaving, Tom Selleck ran after me with a napkin in hand with his signature scribbled on it. I remember he smiled really big and apologized for his "friend" and then ruffled my hair as he walked away.

    Oh man. I would have died. But then he is my age.

    When we were in Hawaii, we saw the helicopter they used in Magnum PI, land near where we were staying on the North Shore of Oahu, so we drove to the abandoned sugar mill and watched filming for quite awhile, trying to see Tom. We saw him run out to the helicopter and get in and it took off. I was excited to see that, but one of the policemen told me that was Tom's double. Bummer!!

    We saw Frankie Avalon and his wife at the airport in Honolulu about two years ago. I think he is about 5 foot nothing. Smallest man I've ever seen. His wife is also really little.

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