I would have posted this yesterday but for some reason it was unavailable.
I called one of my JW sisters, my turn to call.
A couple of months ago we all got together...hadn't seen any of them in 5 years.
Well...she met my hubby and she said what he said was bothering her...I said: Oh, I wasn't in the conversation what was it that bothered her....(my first mistake) Seems like he brought up the UN letter and something about what the real good news is.
She then started her Hitler/Nazi questions saying she is CONCERNED about my spirituality......
I told her I have a relationship with Jehovah and that is what matters...Didn't stop her...I also told her I am a big girl and have taken care of my spirituality since I married the first time and left home.
I got off the subject by calling after my dog...and I was shaking the whole afternoon.
Ya all know I am fading....geez...I wasn't prepared for this conversation...I am debating on telling her if she wants to continue a relationship with me then she needs to respect MY spirituality and not question it...according to Romans 14 where it says: Each one has an accounting before God. (no one else does)
While I was married to husband #1 she NEVER wanted to hear anything negative...so I had NO support during that time and during my divorce as well.
She mentions she is concerned about my spirituality cause I don't talk about meetings or field service. I would like to reinforce the fact that she doesn't like NEGATIVE conversations, remind her of my marriage and divorce and after my divorce when I wanted to have an EAR to listen to me, but she didn't...so since she set the rules of NO negative comments that is why I chose NOT to talk about meetings or field service because they are NEGATIVE>
I have abided by her RULES so I want her to abide by my rule of NOT questioning MY Spirituality...It was totally unloving of her to do that.
any thoughts????
Or...should I not mention anything...and IF she calls me back be selective IF I want to answer the phone. At this point I feel she is a toxic person....she left me feeling worthless.