(I still love you even if you are making of stuff!)
Of course I don't value others beliefs as much as mine. Otherwise I'd believe the same as them. But that doesn't mean I disrespect their beliefs or push my beliefs onto them as the ONLY right way to believe. They're simply not mine. There's a big difference. It's just like a mother and a child. Does she value the neighbor's kid as much as hers. Of course not. But does that mean she's going to judge the neighbor for not having kids as "wonderful" as hers? *shrug* I hope not.
I don't believe that all Baptists, JWs, Pentecostals, LDS are the same in that respect. I do feel that comment is a very sweeping generalization, much like saying blacks and Italians are the same.
And if, as a group, they tend to preach their beliefs, I've yet to see any who encourage their people to really listen and value the preachees beliefs.
I'm sure this is something we could ALL learn from - Christians, Atheists, and Agnostics alike! I can only answer for MY actions - and that's not being judgemental of others that don't believe as I do. As a Christian, loving is my job, not converting.