I agree with you 100%. While I believe that there is some unexplainable energy that we just haven't "discovered" and don't have yet the technology to qualify it consistently, I don't discount that the source of this energy could be our own minds. I also am not sure that it might not be beings that have left their bodies and use our energy to their own purposes. It could also very well be "memories" a place might have repeating. Who knows? What's fun about it all, though, is just trying to capture it with the technology we *do* have! To me, it's very fun. But of course, I am the "anti-ghost." If there are any ghosts within 2 miles I scare them away... HEHHE. I have another friend like that, too, in our group. He's been doing it for 15 years and still hasn't seen anything that couldn't be explained away. <shrug> I don't know.. it's just fun to be scared sometimes, that is why I love the ghost stories!