Dear All,
Whenever I come here I receive strength from your outpourings of love. As I write this I am incredibly choked and it's all I can do to stop the tears flowing........................
You are still in my thoughts Ian.....
((((((((hugs))))))) Love Morty
As you are continually in mine! ((((((Hugs)))))) returned
You continue in our prayers, my dear friendLT
I know, dear Ross, and I'm overcome!
Hi Ian
Changing your mind on things is your right and I agree with what you said 100%. Special K
Yes, and I'm so pleased everyone understands. Pity the doctors don't! Thanks, Special, which is exactly what you are - SPECIAL!
Love and hugs always,
Wish I could reach through the screen to hug you, Annie, but this will have to do (((((((((((HUGS))))))))). Thanks!!
Sticking by you as so many here, Didier
Didier, your words continue to upbuild and strengthen me. Thank you so much! Manly (((((Hugs)))))
We love you dear Ian. Your recovery is for YOU...not us. You have our approval on whatever you choose! XOXOXOXO, Andi
I know I can rely on everyone here, Andi. You have been a rock through all this.
we support whatever you do.. and you are in our thoughts regularly. We wish there was more we could do for you.Sassy
And THAT, means the absolute world! Thank you!!
I'm reading a book - between other books - entitled 'You Can Conquer Cancer'. It's by Ian Gawler, an Australian, and is incredibly inspiring. He wrote that when one suffers from cancer most people view that person as a cancer patient rather than as a person. Happily, that has not happened here. You see, already the telephone calls and visits from some friends have ceased. I don't blame them and I understand why. It must be incredibly difficult for people who were once in regular contact to come to terms with what happens to their friend. They find it immensely difficult to find what to say. The point is, there's nothing TO say! One is still the same person and cancer is just a disease like chicken pox or mumps. Granted, it's a more serious disease, but the more people carry on as normal around the cancer patient the better.
Coming here is a lifeline, believe me. Many posters want to leave a message on this thread, I know, but they, too, don't know what to say. Again, I understand and don't think any the worse of such people. This disease is difficult for everyone and I fully appreciate how hard it is for people to put into words what they'd like to. It's ok, please believe me!
For those of you who post here frequently I am so grateful. How you continue to find the words to say astounds me!
Well, it's Tuesday again and that means prayer evening, if you're up to it again. I feel the need for your prayers, good wishes and vibes so please continue. I'll be in bed around 11.00 p.m., I should think, while most of you are well awake. As I'm not having the chemotherapy now I'd appreciate your concentrating on my tumour shrinking and my returning to full health. Certainly when more prayers are said the more energy comes my way and it definitely works. Blessings on you all. Here's to you and to tonight!