I was wondering what the French had to say on D-Day celebrations in their own country. They will have a week of celebrations, but:
En tant que représentant des Etats-Unis, c'est George Bush qui recueillera l'hommage aux "combattants de la liberté" de la seconde guerre mondiale. Cela n'est pas sans susciter en France quelques grincements de dents, commentaires cinglants sur ce "paradoxe du 6 juin", selon Laurent Fabius, pour qui M. Bush est "l'exact opposé des valeurs qui font que nous aimons l'Amérique", et projets de manifestations.
A loose translation: "Aside from representing the USA, it is George Bush who will host the commemoration of WW-II "freedom fighters". This is not without causing some teeth-grinding [...] as Bush is the exact opposite of the values we love of America and manifestations are expected."
I can't get over their arrogance! They were freed from a brutal dictator (Hitler) by the allies and are now so critical of basically the same allies from freeing Iraq. How would they like to be left under Hitler's thumb just because a greedy little president with interests in France organized manifestations against D-Day?