Simon said:
In fact, the US did not enter the war until Germany attacked IT.
What fact is that, Simon? Or is this another attempt at rewriting history.
The last time I remember it being told to me, it was the Japanese that attacked Pearl Harbor. Because of that President Frankilin Roosevelt declared war on Japan. Italy and Nazi Germany then declared war on the U.S.
Me thinks you need to do some rereading of history books.
Secondly, Winston Churchill was pleading with Roosevelt to enter the war. Roosevelt was unwilling to do so because this second "European war" had no popular support here. Did our cousins hold up well to the Nazi onslaught? Absolutely, but I believe that if the Japanese had not bombed Pearl Harbor, the U.S. would have remained "neutral", and eventually Great Britan would have fallen.
Thirdly, while the U.S. did fight alongside the allies, it was American commanders and soldiers that helped turn the tide of Nazi aggression. Were there great commanders among the non-American allies? Again, absolutely. But the fact remains, that it was the industrial might of the U.S. stopped and ultimately defeated the Nazis.
Lastly, of those that were injured or died on the beaches of Normandy (of which my grandfather was of the former) there graves should not be desecrated, and the French government should sack up publicly, for all to hear, that they won't stand for the desecration of these men's ulitimate sacrifice for the French people. I don't think that will happen anytime since America-hating is second only to anti-Semitism in popularity there and in Europe as a whole.