France's WW-II Ceremony Acompanied by Protests vs. USA

by Gerard 70 Replies latest social current

  • truthseeker1

    Its because in the protesters' eyes, America is being more like Hitler's army (note I'm not saying this so please don't flame me) instead of liberating a country. GW I (French support) America freed Kuwait (a nation taken over by a dictator). GW II (No French-support) America attacked a nation ruled by a dictator.

  • hillary_step


    Interesting summation of the World military theatre that made up WWII, and a short one too.


  • confusedjw

    The Frenchy said:

    your translation is about as tasty as the spaghetti-o's

    The French have just surrendered to a spaghetti-o wielding Batman!

  • Simon

    Stop with the salf-propaganda that you probably get fed daily but isn't correct.

    Let's get this straight once and for all:

    The US faught with the allies against Hitler. It did not do it to come and rescue us or to save us. In fact, the US did not enter the war until Germany attacked IT. One could claim that the UK stood alone defending the US from Nazi Germany and you should be bloody thankful. But we don't. We have more sense and more respect.

    Trying to compare US involvement in WWII with Bush's grand-plan (or lack thereof) in Iraq is IMO a gross insult to all those who faught to first defeat the Nazi threat and also halt the Stalin expansion across europe.

  • Gerard

    Likely, most French have sucumbed to Miterrand's propaganda and his hiden [oil] agenda. There is a disgusting and shameful picture of a monument for 11,000 fallen British soldiers in France disfigured by a swastika and words such as “Dig up your rubbish. It’s fouling our soil.” There were other equally ugly and hateful slogans: “Death to the Yankees” and “Saddam Hussein will win and spill your blood.”

    The defacing of an allied World War II cemetery in Etaples and a poll showing that one in three French citizens are hoping for a victory for Iraq are all signs that the current French government have lost touch with the greater scheme of democracy and terrorism.

  • bisous

    CJW, rotfl!!!

    where do you find this stuff?

  • Simon


    I think trying to label the entire French populace with the antics of a few extremists is misguided at best. Should we, for instance, base every judgement of "Americans" on what a few do? Say like, ooh ... some prison guards? After all, they actually represent the official government and are not some anonymous vandals.

    See why your comparison is wrong and unfair?

  • Englishman

    Yup, a great joint effort.


  • frenchbabyface

    Thanks ... I guess American movies are fooling people !

  • Gerard
    See why your comparison is wrong and unfair?

    French anti Americanism is a fact. What is unfair is that Miterrand hides to his people the true reason France oposed outing Saddam.

    where do you find this stuff?

    Have you picked-up a newspaper anytime in the last two years?,4057,6231005%255E25777,00.html

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