How to Be a Republican - A Primer

by Michael3000 91 Replies latest social current

  • L_A_Big_Dawg


    I had a similar experience. During one summer, to augment my income I decided to hawk merchandise at Dodger Stadium.

    In order to be employed I had to join a union. They took about 10% of my pay for union dues. We (merchandise venderors) got nothing back. In fact, the ushers, and food stand people got meals, we got squat.

    My next experience with the union was more plesant. It was last summer, and I was a shift supervisor for the company that makes Speedo swimwear. The Garment Workers union has had their sights on this company for years. The working conditions were deplorable. This company hired only temp workers, in order to avoid paying higher wages, and medical. It also kept the people there in check. If anyone complained the supervisors would call personel, and tell them that they were not need any more, and they were replaced. Simple as that.

    During a two week period, the union thugs organizers, started showing up with their propaganda leaflets. They were swaying some workers. Until one day, before my shift started, the general manager adressed the workers and pretty much thrashed the union. Typical anti-union rhetoric. Now he was speaking to a bunch of meek Mexicans that would rock the boat if it meant avoiding an exposed reef and certain doom. So when the boss man asked for questions, they didn't raise any. However, I being educated in the ways of the world, asked "Why were they afraid of letting the union come in and address the workers?" "What's wrong with giving the workers some kind of job security, and protection?"

    Now all these issues were legitimate. He ignored me, but the next day before I left for work, my own agency called me and told me that I was no longer needed. Where was the first time that I actually wanted a union, and I got nailed. However, unlike some I didn't file suit for wrongful termination (which I was). I didn't run to the ACLU and claim my rights were violated (which they were). I just moved on to something better.


  • czarofmischief

    I'm a union man, but in moderation. A union can stand up and make sure that good workers are rewarded for their labor - which some employers are too stupid to realize is just good business. So the union can make a positive difference in terms of business. I tend to side with the workers in most disputes. The union is an effective counterbalance to the god awful power of some HR pricks.

    But like all things, the union can go haywire, and become a crony system as thick as anything going on down at the Duquesne club...


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