Unions are going to cause the eventual demise of Vons, Albertsons, and Ralphs. They cannot compete with Costco's, Kmarts, and Sams Clubs due to their rediculous wages. You should not make $30 an hour scanning groceries. A 5 year old can do it.
151, perhaps you should try sobering up and telling the truth . . . or else get your facts straight before you go and make such an ignorant statement about something you obviously know nothing about.
In a previous and recent post you stated:
"I dont want to go back to school and get educated. I have my Union job that pays me $25 an hour to bag groceries". PATHETIC. "Learn new technology? I cant even program my remote! Lets blame Bush for my stupidity! He's taking our Jobs!"
I blame you for your stupity and here is why . . .
Mary, my wife, started working at Food Basket, which later became Lucky, which is now Albertson?s, back in 1978. She was a box-boy working for $3.17 hour. Under the union contract, she had to work a minimum of 16 hours and pay her union dues in order to receive medical insurance, which included a co-pay and a deductible.
In 1979, she was promoted to Checker and earned roughly $5.00 per hour manually punching in numbers and ringing up groceries for conservative know-it-all ass-wipes who loved to treat her like a human doormat and dump their arrogant bull-shit on her before they paid for their groceries.
She had to pass through four stages of apprenticeship to finally be promoted to Journeyman, in 1981, at which time she began earning $11.00 per hour for not being a dimwitted Wal-mart type employee whose most commonly spoken phrase when asked a question by the customer is, "Um . . . I don?t know". She was an efficient worker, serving the customer, taking pride in her job, her company and her performance. She knew her industry, her products and formed valued relationships with her local customer base. Regular customers would rather stand in her line just to have her serve them. She and most of her fellow employees provided a level of professional customer service, the likes of which you will not find at any Wal-mart, the kind of service that has made the grocery chains BILLIONS of dollars.
In the last 20 years, she has made her pay raises according to schedule and is now earning $17.90 per hour, the highest rate you can make without going into management. Let?s see, 151, that is a total of $6.90 in raises that she has earned over the last 23 years. Albertson?s CEO Lawrence Johnston makes $12,200,000 annually while Kroger (owner of Ralphs) CEO Joseph Pichler earns $3,930,000.
What?s your problem with what grocery workers are earning? What was that, again?
Most of the grocery chain employees are part-timers. They are only guaranteed 25 hours per week. The only full-timers are the department heads. Grocery managers earn $1.00 extra per day for carrying keys and shouldering the headache of corporate and conservative customer bullshit.
If you want to get into the subject of greed by not only the grocery chains, but also the health insurance companies, we can go there. Hope you have stats and figures.
Steven Burd, CEO of Safeway/Vons and greedy conservative maniac, cashed out $13 million in stock options even as Safeway lost $169.8 million in net income and thousands of employees in Southern California were forced out on strike and lock-out. http://www.forbes.com/finance/mktguideapps/personinfo/FromMktGuideIdPersonTearsheet.jhtml?passedMktGuideId=49948
In the weeks leading up to the strike, Burd adopted a stock sale plan to unload 2 million shares from option exercises, and the compensation committee did not require that any of his option proceeds be held in shares of stock. Burd sold all of his shares of company stock to Wal-mart two weeks before fouling up the new union contract negotiations and forcing the Vons workers to go out on strike. According to the grocery industry, a strike by one chain?s employees constituted a lock-out for every other chain?s employees. My wife and her fellow employees were forced out of their store one morning without notice. It is interesting to note that Steven Burd is one of President Bush?s appointees to the Department of Homeland Security?s Private Sector Senior Advisory Committee, appointed just prior to the negotiations of the new grocery union contract. Burd deliberately fouled up negotiations for his lord and master, GW, to secure his seat on the Department of Homeland Security?s Private Sector Senior Advisory Committee. It is a known fact that Bush is from a right-to-work state and very much anti-union. Can you put 2 and 2 together? Uneducated union grocery workers who cannot even program their remote sure can.
Steven Burd fun-fact: Burd?s contributed lots of money to George W. Bush?s re-election campaign, earning himself the title of "ranger." In Bush/Cheney 2004 lingo, "rangers" are supporters who?ve contributed $200,000 or more.
Publicly Safeway promised investors that the company would prevail in strike negotiations and that investors will profit from the money saved by cutting worker benefits. As one Associated Press article put it, "Safeway?s 2004 comeback plan includes significant savings from employee concessions on health care, wages and pensions."
You should, however, be happy with the results of the new contract, since folks like my wife who helped make the grocery chains what they are, and as rich as they are today, got entirely screwed with their pants on. Not only have they given her, one person, ½ less hours to do the job of 3 men, but they have also increased the cost of their health care considerably. She also lost 5.5 months of wages that she can never recoup because she was in effect unjustly laid off under the guise of "a lock-out". Word comes down daily from the corporate office telling store managers how to undermine those who have been with the company for 20 to 30 years in order to force them out short of retirement. Under the new 2-teir system, they are trying to get rid of those who are making the big bucks ($17.90 per hour at part-time hours) and hire new ones paying them roughly $8.00 per hour, and they are expecting workers, like my wife, to train them before they force her out. They are greedy, unscrupulous ass-holes. Are you a member of that club too? Were you one of the sons-o-bitches that drove by and threw eggs at my wife while she was on the picket line holding fast to something that she worked hard for and earned over a period of 25 years?
Let me tell you something else, 151; this is the second time I have read one of your ignorant posts where you deliberately attacked and misrepresented the grocery workers, which I take a bit personal due to obvious reasons. Is it that you are a blatant liar, or is it that you just don?t know what the hell you are talking about?