Thanks, 151, for sharing your experience with us, sincerely.
Your experiences with unions is unique to me, and I have not witnessed the same tactics with regard to the union my wife is under in her job. While I do agree that unions are becoming very ineffective anymore, they have served a valuable purpose with respects to safety and fair wages. Again, you must realize that NOT EVERYONE working for the grocery chains makes 17.90 per hour, and those who do, are busting their asses, as my wife does, only on a parttime basis, stocking shelves and entering correct price changes. For the kind of work Mary does, 17.90 is fair. She actually does the work of two men each night that she works and she deserves a helluva lot more.
Should some that are receiving 17.90 get canned and/ or be demoted? sure, for they are bad employees. For the most part, grocery chain employees are very industrious and hardworking, and the earn every penny the receive. The quality of wage not only allows them to pay their bills, but encourage them to do better work and take pride in their work. When the grocery chains go the way of Walmart, customer service and customer relations will suffer greatly and I don't think they have taken into account how that will effect a portion of their business. If it is how things are going to, we all have no choice and will ultimately have to bite the bullet and move on.
I don't agree with everything the unions do and or stand for, and neither do I appreciate where the grocery chains want to take us, but I think it is fair to speak truthfully and tell the whole story with respects to what the grocery employees are really earning, and what they have to do to earn it.