I've been reading this site for years and I need more posts (is this a left over dub-thang like counting time?). So taking a page from Ozzie's poll, here's my Top Five. 1. I got myself doctorates in divinity & metaphysics from the ULC (ulc.org, about $140 - I went for the works) so I could register with the county as a minister to officiate weddings, done 4 so far - I don't charge if you're interested. 2. I enjoy tobacco products on occasions - particularly a good cigar, when sipping a good scotch 3. I enjoy MJ on more occasions, and I do inhale 4. Since 1914 is at best a hoax then I must be an apostate (surprise, surprise) 5. We celebrate all holidays, including Kwanzaa - for our daughter's 16th birthday we got her 16 presents to make up for the 15 she missed. I drink way less than when I was Borg, so I can't count that. How about y'all?
Deleted's Top Five Poll #1 - What would you get disfellowshipped for today?
by Deleted 36 Replies latest jw friends
Drinking, celebrating holidays, NOT spanking my babies, self pleasin,
umm I think thats it for now..
Here's what I would get disfellowshipped for:
1) Pre-marital Sex
2) Smoking
3) Celebrating Worldly Holidays
4) Spreading Apostate Lies & Half-Truths
5) Eating a meal with someone who's disfellowshipped (waves at Lee)*edited to add*: Thank you Stephanie! I forgot:
2 1/2) Masturbation
A fellow reverend! I'm ULC myself, and for the rest of you folks who might be interested, just getting your ministers liscence is free, www.ulc.org . I've been doing weddings since 1994, and I love it. I get to do a nice, non-denominational service that's about the COUPLE and not some other BS. And use my JW trained speaking experience for good.
So, here is my list., I'm also a wedding minister, I enjoy the occasional cigar, however I'm trying to kick cigarettes. I celebrate holidays, I named my daugter Asherah, who is Yaweh's consort in ancient history, 'tho the name esther means the same thing. Fornication, "living in sin".
Oh, and my favorite? I'd DEFINITELY get kicked out for taking Silent lambs brochures and putting them in magazines or I go up and stand next to the dubs in the street witnessing with the same pamphlets. They generally leave.
1. associating with (going on vacation with) and eating with disfellowhsipped people
2. celebrating holidays, birthdays and anything else we want to observe and participate in that they might not like
3. Posting here
4. Voting
5. Gambling
I was never baptised but if I was
celebrating holidays/birthdays
no respect for elder authority
add: I hang out with all kinds of DF'd and DA'd ones. I would be honored to be DF'd for that.
Sirius Dogma
visiting apostate websites, reading apostate material, smoking cigars a few times a year, smoking j's a few times a year, cussin like a sailor, sex, drugs and rock n roll, and if I still had a copy I would piss on and then burn the NWT
Oh, Yeah, going to Burning Man festival
Masturbation??? Don't they need 2 witnesses???
What would I get df'd for?
Smoking, drinking, swearing, reading "apostate" literature and web sites, gambling, criticizing the WTS, voting, joining a political party.
Unbeliever, I was thinking the same thing: they really can't DF me because I never got the big dunk. I kept dragging my feet on that & then bailed out as soon as I could. And it's a good thing, too ... otherwise, they would have nailed me for 1. fornication, 2. drug use, 3. smoking, 4. drunkenness, and 5. a general disregard of local, state & federal laws.