Deleted's Top Five Poll #1 - What would you get disfellowshipped for today?

by Deleted 36 Replies latest jw friends

  • CountryGuy

    Here's my list:

    1. Fornication with a boy.
    (It wouldn't be fornicating if we could get married.)
    2. Fornication with a girl.
    (I was experimenting in college.)
    3. Voting-being patriotic.
    (I have already been asked about the flag decals on my bumper.)4. Holidays and Birthdays.
    (Birthday's rock! You're the center of everyone's world for one day!)
    5. Attending Mass with my partner.
    (Definately different from the KH.)


  • Pinned Blouse
    Pinned Blouse

    Can one get DF'd for oral sex? Giving and receiving?



    Lying/Half Truths

    Enjoying sex with orgasm

    Divorced my husband because I just did not like him anymore (I was the only witness to that) LOL

    Forsaking the gathering

    Having "Permafrost" Yall remember that? LOL be continued

  • oscar

    I would get dfd for having as much premarital sex as I could,having great oral sex with my beautiful wife also my many gambling trips to Las Vegas and reading coc.

  • Athanasius

    My girlfriend and I are not married yet. But when we spend the weekend together we like to do the same things married couples do and more. Since I left the JWs 20 years ago I don't know if this is still a DFing offense. Also I have:

    Voted in every election since 1988.

    Been received into the Episcopal Church.

    At sporting events stood for the national anthem.

    I guess I could go on and on, but who cares? Life was meant to be lived. Be happy.

  • Deleted

    Hey thanks for your posts, y'all. I'd say that's about it for this poll. I shall print you all out and have you as a keepsake, I'm very sentimental 8-]

  • imallgrowedup



  • truthseeker1

    1. Fornication.

    2. Apostacy.

    3. Celebrating holidays and birthdays.

    4. Volunteering at a state election booth.

    5. Going to a wedding and funeral in a church (different church, different time)

    6. Believing in evolution.

    7. Being an atheiest.

    8. Saying Jeebus and Jehoober.

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