Deleted's Top Five Poll #1 - What would you get disfellowshipped for today?

by Deleted 36 Replies latest jw friends

  • frenchbabyface

    Now ... APOSTASY (for sure) but I've never baptised (never fell like to shit on God in not being sure)

  • Stefanie

    Chevys said

    Not a God-damn thing. Unlike you heathens I am a perfect angel

    Any maybe your spanking habit. My bootie is still red from my birthday!

  • DanTheMan

    Group sex with supermodels

  • lazyslob

    dreaming of Group sex with supermodels

  • Kaethra
    Kaethra be disfellowshipped and/or disciplined:

    1) voting (Canada's federal election is coming up! or is that a "conscience matter" now?)

    2) fornicating (*grin*)

    3) self-pleasuring (*grin again*..then again, you'd have to confess that in order to be df'd, wouldn't you?? who'd be nuts enough to do that? Is there more culpability if a mechanical device is involved? ;))

    4) swearing (I love the F word, in moderation of course. :)

    5) investigating atheism

    6) reading mine and others' horoscopes and laughing without fear

    7) speaking of laughter, laughing at dirty jokes instead of choking on the chuckle

    8) hosting the baddest Halloween party around

    9) playing D&D

    10) smoking the good stuff (just a little) every now and then

    11) gambling (I'm very good at blackjack and poker.)

    12) associating with *gasp* apostates!

    13) getting a decent education and moving up the corporate ladder

    14) reading Tarot

    15) loving my family and friends by not shunning them despite their life choices

    16) donating Blood!!

    I'm sure there's more, but that's all the sins I can think of so far.

    *edited to add # 16 - donating blood, as that's the one I'm most proud of. :)

  • HeyNow!

    1. Fornication
    2. Apostacy
    3. married non-JW
    4. Porno and strip clubs
    5. Posting here
    6. X-mas and Birthdays and I love them!
    7. Elders are donkey doo
    8. The society is modeled after the book 1984
    9. Went to Baptist church
    10. Joined Republican Party
    11. Pledged to flag
    12. Did Ouija a few times
    13. Cigar here and there

    And pretty much every little, personal quirk the elders would have. They always have there own ideas about what you could be punished for..

  • bull01lay

    I reckon I'd be DF'd for the following:

    1) My sense of humour

    2) My taste in Music

    3) Having my own opinion rather than one given me.

    4) A questioning mind

    5) Association with the best bunch of people in the world - apostates!!!

    quotes from earlier posts:

    I should know, because i confessed it ... a few times.

    That must have been embarassing.

    been there, done that!! However, in the words of Allanis Morissette: -

    "I confessed my darkest deeds to an envious man"

    'nuff said!'


  • LittleToe

    Not being repentant....

  • new light
    new light
    Dubs don't get dfd for masterbation. I should know, because i confessed it ... a few times.

    That is true most of the time, but I do know of one man who was in fact DF'd for masturbation. We'll call him Lefty. Thanks to the big-mouthed elder/star witness for letting the cat out of the bag.

    Lefty was about 21 or so. A newly divorced elder was staying with Lefty's family (just him and his elder dad). Lefty had been caught several times with porno, phone sex bills, and lap dances at the club. The straw that broke the camel's back was when the guest elder went away for a couple days and came back to a computer full of internet porn cookies, pop-ups, etc. Lefty was DF'ed for masturbation while his elder father was on a building project. Sadly, the only person in the know was the accusing elder, and yet within a week, everyone knew every detail.


  • blondie

    1. Posting on this DB

    2. Celebrating birthdays (oh, that's right, that's not a DFing offense)

    3. Celebrating Xmas

    4. Posting on other ex-JW DBs



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