What makes marraiges last

by desib77 88 Replies latest jw friends

  • Steve Egner
    Steve Egner

    I prefer that toilet paper dispense from the bottom, Rachel prefers it over the top. I have no preference on toilet lids up or down, Rachel prefers them down when not in use. Guess whose preferences prevail in our home? And it matters not one iota to me...

    I prefer my steak well done, that matters.


  • LittleToe

    Which statement were you agreeing with?

    Now that's what I like to hear - a man's man.
    Now, which statement was I agreeing with?

  • bull01lay

    For mens duties, it's gotta be always putting the toilet lid down when you've been for a p*ss.

    Womens duties, surrendering the remote control without so much of a whimper!

    And in the words of Jim from The Vicar of Dibley.... "no no no no no no.... as much sex as possible...... with as many different wimmin as yer can" Truly wise words indeed!


  • Princess
    I prefer my steak well done, that matters.

    So naturally, I prefer mine rare. I have taken over the grilling of the steak since I remember to take mine off after a swift turnover and leave his on till it turns black. Well, I try to leave it on long enough but I have learned to leave the grill on just in case he requires a bit more...

    Isn't he just the nicest though? Some men would do it their way even though it isn't important to them.

    Bull said:

    And in the words of Jim from The Vicar of Dibley.... "no no no no no no.... as much sex as possible...... with as many different wimmin as yer can" Truly wise words indeed!

  • confusedjw

    1. Find/Be the kindest most forgiving person in the world and marry him/her.

    2. Then try not to be an asshole.

    3. Apologize if you are.

    That's it. That's the list.

  • SheilaM

    As far as the toilet seat....I never complained about that until I stumbled sleepily one night into the bathroom.....and ended up with a wet tailend LOL I then only told him "now I know why other women complain and bitch about it" LOL

    I have to agree with Thunder I just try to be the person I would want to come home to. I try to meet him with a kiss and in the morning since he is the early riser, I will stumble out all groggy and curl up in his lap (sigh) those moments are priceless. So, I would say just be the best you can be and that is what makes it last.

    To me the 20 years doesn't seem like it at all...I never get tired of seeing his face or his hands .......I loooooove his hands

  • little1

    The main thing I would do differently in both my marriages is not marry the person(s) I did! I got married in haste both times, didn't really know them or myself at all. Found out too late we had nothing in common. Now I am much older and comparitively wiser. I would look for an equal. Having things in common is a big key, I think, as well as allowing the other person to enjoy things you don't necessarily want to do.

    The thing that kept me from being sucked into the jw life was the fact that I had more of a sense of who I was and what I wanted, and I knew I didn't want to be controlled. There was a time when I would have gone with him just to be close to him. I'm not gettin' back in the box. Now I hear he is dating someone who he says is "a willing student." Baaaaaaaa! I hear a sheep and am glad it's not me!

    Good topic!


  • bisous

    kind of funny that most of the tedious 'must haves' here are presented by women (toilet lids, household chores, tissue paper, etc) and the emotional 'must haves' are presented by the fellas! .... hmmmm

    anyway thanks to all you posters here, this thread made me smile....it is so incredibly optimistic!!!! and that is how i feel about marriage or the people who do it and what you need to keep doing it

    I N C R E D I B L E O P T I M I S M

  • shotgun

    I don't know what to say other than...you miserable little snot..how dare you drag our personal life out on this public forum...

    On second thought....I'll bring home flowers for you tonight.

    Put it down for godssakes. Who wants to look at the inside of a toilet if they're just in the bathroom to brush their teeth, etc...?

    Besides, do the people who have a hard time closing a toilet lid also leave all of the GD doors open on their Kitchen cabinets?

    Or turn off the light switch when you are done in a room?

    Or put something away when you are done with it?

    Or put your dirty dishes in the dishwasher?

    Or hang up your coat? Leave your shoes in the middle of the room? Rinse out the bathroom sink to get the toothpaste crap washed away before it dries up? Make the bed?


    Can you tell who does the cleaning in our house, sorry for the rant...

    I just hate to see you upset...not to mention you always starch my underwear when were fighting!

  • bisous

    awww, silly fellas ... kiss n' make-up, willya?

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