Check out a band called AFI. Similar, but perhaps a little more palatable?
Yeah Avi, my kids like that band, and I even like them too. I like alot of the stuff they listen to. Music comes full circle and is derived from older stuff. I am open to all music, but have my taste rooted structured music that breaths . . . music that allows me and my mind to breath.
Eliciting negative emotions" is pretty subjective. My great grandparents probably thought the Beatles elicited negative emotion. Havn't you ever had the experience of angry music eliciting a positive emotion because it was cathartic? Of course it is your home. Couldn't you have maybe let her sell it at the used music store so it wasn't a total loss? . . . Only if everyone agrees what is 'negative'.
Negative emotions, objectively speaking, are there to tell us that we need to take a posative action. Understanding your emotions, negative and posative is always a good thing. I won't get into the psycology too deeply, but feeding those negative emotions with any type of medium that allows you to stay in and wallow in that negative place is never a good thing. I'm no prude, but I draw the line . . . and so do you, pal. She knew the rule and standard before she spent her hard-earned dollar on that garbage. Bringing it into the house was the deal-breaker. Songs with sexual innuendo and passion are one thing, but songs that talk about hate and lashing out is just crap . . . not how I am teaching my kids to deal with life and other people, and you seem to forget that kids read alot more into music than we adults do and they are affected on a different level than we . . . if you didn't already know it, then you should consider it. When emotionally immature kids hear music, they think it was written for and about them, and they make an unrealistic connection with it. Alot of commercial artists know this and play to that kids emotional immaturity and unstable states of heart and mind to make a buck and they don't give a damn what message they are sending to the kids listening to it.
Hogy van, Pope?
It was true in '63 and its still true today!
Yeah, I see the point my dear Magyar amigo, however, angry static is still angry static and as for Dillon; nem az a fajta ember, aki gondosan figyel vmire . . . o volt ollozo, no?
but with all due respect, "negative" emotions have their place.
Speaking as a person who enjoys quality music of all genres, from classical to rap metal, I feel strongly that moods create music, not the other way around.
Yes, negative emotions do have their place, but need not be fed or made to linger more than neccessary. Yes, music is often derived from the mood or mentality of the composer, but who is to say that the composer is mentally or emotionally healthy? Negative music reaches the heart of those predisposed to feel those negative emotions on a more frequent basis. These aren't your kids, you don't know them, I do. Garbage is still garbage and I don't think my kids need a steady diet of it. There is enough crap in this world to disturb the peace and balance in the minds of our children and it is my job to keep as much of it out of their heads as I can.
To all, thanks for your comments.