What are some of the worst movies you've seen?

by doodle-v 128 Replies latest social entertainment

  • FlyingHighNow
    Dude, Where's My Car?

    I saw that one and didn't think it completely bad. I mean, what can be bad about a movie that's title begins with Dude comma?

    Flyin' who loves O Brother Where Art Thou and it might have something to do with the fact that she's southern and also because finally figured out why the ladies love George Clooney when she saw that movie~

  • doodle-v

    I love O Brother, Where Art thou!! I'm even learning how to play a few of the songs from the movie on my gee-tar.

    another movie that is probably on someones Suck list but that i got a kick out of:

    Road Trip, I just couldnt stop laughing when I watched that movie

  • Sassy

    10 Grams I hated that movie.. Granted Sean Penn's acting was awesome in it.. but I hated the movie. I almost walked out of the theater and several times wished I had

  • Dan-O

    Road Trip was right on the same silly, juvenile, fun-to-watch level as Dude, Where's My Car?. Add Saving Silverman to that group, too.

  • simplesally


    But maybe because the book was so great and they didn't include all the important parts!

  • truthseeker1

    Every movie I was forced to watch on Lifetime.

    The Core.

  • shamus

    Death Wish 3

    Anything (and I do mean anything from high-budget hOLLYWOOD)

    Anyone see that crappy 'global warming' movie???? You couldn't pay me $50.00 to waste 2.5 hours of my life to see that fictional nonsense.

    They should pass out meds when people file into some of those movies to make it bearable.

  • TresHappy

    I agree about those Lifetime movies. They are soooooooo bad, I heard Marilu Henner call them colon movies - because they always have a colon in their titles. They always star Joanna Kerns, Valerie Bertinelli, Lindsay Wagner or Jane Seymour. Oops! I forgot Jaclyn Smith.

  • new light
    new light

    "Tonight on Lifetime, Meredith Baxter-Birney gets beaten with a rod, in a Lifetime original beating."

    Those movies are horrible, but they keep making em, so someone must like em.

    More bad movies:

    "The Fast and the Furious" --- Even from an automotive perspective, this movie sucked. Remember that scene where nuts and bolts just started flying from the transmission into the interior? Huh?

    "XXX"---- Sorry, I can't stand Vin Diesel. He massacres every scene he's in, and it's not like I expected a lot.

    "Matrix Reloaded"----- Press eject!! For God's sake press eject!!!

    Does anyone remember "Dracula 2000"? 'Nuff said.

    "Shanghai Knights" ---- How much pot do you think Owen Wilson smoked on the set of this disaster? Some of the worst acting I have ever seen.

    "Fright Night"--- Canadian "thriller" from 1983 starring the guy from "Herman's Head" and the woman who played Marcy on "Married...With Children". The only fright this movie gave me was the thought that it was never going to end.

  • talesin

    new light

    I can't stop laughing ,,, I just can't. hahahahaha You are too funny, man.

    Here's another peeps ... Bitch, with Joan Collins. An oldie I admit, but man talk about your B-movie trash. Soft porn for the brain-dead.

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