It fits their hero worship of Moore to think everything he does is angelic amd straioght forward.
At it again huh? It amazes me how many times you use the words everyone and everything when you are on one of your crusades. You paint everyone with such a broad brush, which is not only unreasonable, but also invalidates much of what you say...I see it quite often when you post. I, for one, do not worship Michael Moore, nor do I think everything that he says is angelic or straightforward.
I think I have made it quite clear that I am weighing matters and considering valid arguments from both sides. I am grateful, however, that there is someone like Moore out there who is asking questions of our government in a public forum. A voice in the woods so to speak. That does not mean he comes without warts, but it does mean he makes people think. Do I think Michael Moore spins? Sure I do. But I don't know a politician or a public figure, that shills for a political party/agenda, who doesn't. I always use a filter whenever anyone tells me that something is fact, including Michael Moore. You however refuse to even acknowledge that Moore might have some valid points!
But you (notice I did not say everyone because not everyone has taken a position on the forum) just hate it when people ask questions, don't you? You are so defensive of Bush and USA policy that you don't allow for the possibility that Bush may not have pure motives for invading Iraq. Have you ever questioned any of Bush's decisions on this forum? If you have, I haven't seen it. In contrast, many on this thread, including myself, have said they are keeping an open mind in connection with Farenheit 911. If anyone has hero worship it is clearly you. It prevents you from questioning and closes your mind. I hope someday you take the opportunity to open your mind and not be so dogmatic.
exjdub (who just "rides on the shirt tails of the freedoms others have provided for him." [Yeru quote])